P3 baud rates

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P3 baud rates

I can't find the installation instructions for the P3SVGA on the web site.

I installed the latest firmware and utility for the P3 last night and noticed
that the utility now tries to start with two new baud rates before settling at

Where can I find an explanation of the use of the new available baud rates for
the P3?  I saw a post last night where these new baud rates were referred to, so
I'd like to know how to use them please.

Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
ARRL Lifetime Member
QCWA Lifetime Member

Sent from my Tripod

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Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
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Re: P3 baud rates

Dick Dievendorff
Try the P3 "RS-232" menu selection and the firmware release notes file
available from the P3 Utility Help menu describes the new firmware version

The new firmware version and P3 Utility add two new speeds, 57,600 and
115,200 bps. The P3 Utility tries all the baud rates and settles on the one
it gets responses for, as it always has.

115,200 may be a bit dicey for image transfers and it doesn't work at all
for firmware load.  

I can't transfer images at 115,200 bps reliably here. Others are having
difficulty transferring a full image.  Consider 115,200 "experimental" for
now, we're debating its value.

Firmware load for the SVGA and FPGA may occur at 38400 or 57600 bps.  If the
P3 is set to 57600 before starting firmware load, the P3 MCU is loaded at
38400 bps and the SVGA and FPGA are loaded at 57,600 bps.  It's a little
faster, but not a lot faster.  115,200 isn't working for firmware load, so
the P3 Utility doesn't even try.

73 de Dick, K6KR

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:15 AM
To: 'Elecraft Reflector'
Subject: [Elecraft] P3 baud rates

I can't find the installation instructions for the P3SVGA on the web site.

I installed the latest firmware and utility for the P3 last night and
noticed that the utility now tries to start with two new baud rates before
settling at 38400.

Where can I find an explanation of the use of the new available baud rates
for the P3?  I saw a post last night where these new baud rates were
referred to, so I'd like to know how to use them please.

Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
ARRL Lifetime Member
QCWA Lifetime Member

Sent from my Tripod

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Re: P3 baud rates

Matt Zilmer
In reply to this post by N5GE
At the moment, the P3 can use these higher baud rates to more quickly
send bitmap screen captures to the host computer.  The link between P3
and K3 maxes out at 38400 though.

matt W6NIA

On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 11:14:32 -0500, you wrote:

>I can't find the installation instructions for the P3SVGA on the web site.
>I installed the latest firmware and utility for the P3 last night and noticed
>that the utility now tries to start with two new baud rates before settling at
>Where can I find an explanation of the use of the new available baud rates for
>the P3?  I saw a post last night where these new baud rates were referred to, so
>I'd like to know how to use them please.
>Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
>ARRL Lifetime Member
>QCWA Lifetime Member
>Sent from my Tripod
>Elecraft mailing list
>Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
>Post: mailto:[hidden email]
>This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
>Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
Elecraft mailing list
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Post: mailto:[hidden email]

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