P3 reverse or inverted tuning display;wrong direction, new owner

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P3 reverse or inverted tuning display;wrong direction, new owner

How can I get the cursor line on P3 to travel up-band when I tune K3 up-band and get the cursor line to move down-band when I tune the K3 down-band.  P3 is new, and I tried the obvious with no results.
Pse help this ridiculous situation, tnx, Charly K4VUD
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Re: P3 reverse or inverted tuning display;wrong direction, new owner

Paul Saffren N6HZ
Hi Charly,

It sounds like what you want is to enable Fixed Tune mode.   In Fixed Tune, the spectrum is stationary and the VFO A (and/or B) cursors move up and down.  To turn on fixed tune mode, press the menu button, then using the encoder, select the menu item "FixTrack" .   Pushing the encoder in will toggle between Tracking and Fixed.   You can also map a function key to toggle between Fixed and Tracking.   Refer to the manual on how to set a function key.

Kind regards,

Paul Saffren - N6HZ
Project Manager
Elecraft Inc. 
On 10/3/2015 3:00 PM, Charly [via Elecraft] wrote:
How can I get the cursor line on P3 to travel up-band when I tune K3 up-band and get the cursor line to move down-band when I tune the K3 down-band.  P3 is new, and I tried the obvious with no results.
Pse help this ridiculous situation, tnx, Charly K4VUD

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Re: P3 reverse or inverted tuning display;wrong direction, new owner

In reply to this post by Charly
Select menu and FixTrack and set it to Tracking mode