Problem loading XG3 firmware

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Problem loading XG3 firmware

Greg Buhyoff-2
Just got my XG3 and tested a few radios already.  Very slick.  Then I
installed the XG3 Utility on a Windows 7 machine that all of my Elecraft
Utilities are on.  The XG3 Utility recognized the XG3 on Com port 5 and
indicated it was communicating at 9600 baud.  I then went to the firmware
tab of the Utility and had it check for new files and it retrieved them. I
then clicked on Send Firmware to XG3 and followed the instructions of
turning off the XG3 and then holding the on/off button for 10 seconds at
which time the 0 dBm light started blinking but not slowly -- it was
blinking pretty fast.  I then selected "OK" and a new screen came up
indicating that it the firmware was being sent.  However, after about ten
minutes the 0 dBm light was still blinking very fast and no firmware was
loaded and the loading indication bar showed nothing -- no progress in
loading.  I finally gave up and cancelled the firmware load.  I'm lost --
probably stupid -- but still lost. To get the XG3 to shut down I tried
holding the on/off button to no avail. I finally removed the battery to get
it shut down.

Any help would be deeply appreciated.

73, Greg K2UM
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XG3 firmware load problem continued

Greg Buhyoff-2
The window for firmware loading is showing the last message line as "XG3
firmware file checksum reconciliation word is x0000"  Also, none of the
other tabs other than the initial screen and the firmware tab show anything
other than grayed out text.

Greg K2UM
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Re: XG3 firmware load problem continued

Bill W4ZV
Not a solution Greg but I doubt you need a firmware update.  Mine came with 1.04 installed which is the latest on the website.

73,  Bill
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XG3 firmware load problem continued

Greg Buhyoff-2
In reply to this post by Greg Buhyoff-2
Thanks, Bill.  I was simply testing the utility.  And, the utility shows it
is communicating with the XG3 and when I select the firmware tab it shows
only dashes for the firmware version I have installed in the XG3 and that
1.04 is available.  Also, none of the other pages selected by the tabs (e.g.
Operate, Configuration, etc.) allow me to enter any data or change the scan
and so forth.  All of the content of those pages is grayed out.  I am using
a FTDI chipset serial to USB converter, 32 bit Windows 7 (has worked for all
other Elecraft utilities -- K3 and P3 as well as utilities for other ham
radio equipment I have here).  Also, I checked COM devices in the Control
Panel and all is fine and even checked for an updated driver --- there was
one and I installed it and rebooted my computer and tried the connection
again.  Funny, everything shows that the computer on COM 5 is communicating
with the XG3 but the Utility shows nothing, only dashes, for the firmware
version I have and no other operations (via the tabs) are permitted (every
thing is grayed out).  I am at a loss.  Usually, I am pretty good at
figuring out computer communications problems (part of what I dealt with
very often in my former life -- profession) and I am stumped.  Thanks,
again, for the note, Bill.

73, Greg K2UM
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XG3 firmware load problem continued -- more info

Greg Buhyoff-2
In reply to this post by Greg Buhyoff-2
The manual says that when I click on TEST COMMUNICATIONS that it should
indicate in a pop-up window the speed of the communications -- which it does
-- 9600 baud -- and should show the firmware version installed in the XG32
-- which it does not -- instead it says "XG3 boot loader is ready for
firmware load. COM 5 RS-232 9600 bits".  I won't beat this to death as I
have given all the information I can.  The unit still is working on the
default frequencies and as received from Elecraft, but is useless for doing
anything else right now -- changing the default frequencies, scanning,
sending custom commands and so on.  Either I or somebody smarter than me
will figure it out,  I have tried three different FTDI chipset based
USB-Serial converters and three different computers XP and Windows.  No joy.

73, Greg K2UM
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Re: XG3 firmware load problem continued

Guy, K2AV
In reply to this post by Bill W4ZV
Is it possible that trying to install the first version of the
software as an update has resulted in some kind of deadly embrace,
where the outcome, installing a yet to be coded future version, has
not had an opportunity to be tested?

73, Guy.

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Bill W4ZV <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Not a solution Greg but I doubt you need a firmware update.  Mine came with
> 1.04 installed which is the latest on the website.
> 73,  Bill
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XG3 problem with Utility fixed!

Greg Buhyoff-2
In reply to this post by Greg Buhyoff-2
Bill, well, this over-educated, self described computer good computer
handler, found the problem.  I reseated everything -- the USB to serial
cables were all seated well to begin with. But, I gave the 1/8 inch plug
connected to the RS-232 an extra wiggle and then it seated down a tad more
and all works as advertised.  Maybe my stupidity in not checking the easy
stuff first will help someone else.  Then again, there in not likely a
member here that is as dumb as I am.  Thanks much, Bill, your note made me
all the more intent on finding the problem.

Have a good weekend and, I must say that XG3 is one neat piece of equipment
and worth every penny even with the things I have done with it so far.
Congratulations to Elecraft for another neat and flexible piece of
equipment.  I love my Elecraft equipment and thanks to all who develop,
refine, service, support, assemble, ship and communicate with dumb hams like

73 Greg K2UM
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XG3 Problem fixed -- Thanks, Guy

Greg Buhyoff-2
In reply to this post by Greg Buhyoff-2

I thought maybe that was the problem as well.  But since it originally
showed that it needed a firmware update and that there was no firmware
installed (the dashes where it should show the firmware version installed
and the Pop-up window indicating that the boot loader was ready to install
firmware) I assumed that possibly there was an update.  The grayed out text
in all of the tab windows threw me however, and that is when I really
started to suspect either a lousy Serial to USB converter, driver needing an
update, something flaky about the Utility and 32 bit Windows --- or taking a
deep breath and walking away and and coming back to it with a fresh state of
mind.  Then my decades of ham radio experience paid off --- check the damn
connectors!  I don't post much here since I like to sit back, read and
learn.  I hate to publicly announce I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I thank all of you who scratched their heads and thought about the problem
and a thanks to those who wrote to me with suggestions.  This is a fine
group of people.

73, Greg K2UM
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Re: XG3 problem with Utility fixed!

Gary Gregory
In reply to this post by Greg Buhyoff-2

I'm with you.

I feel confident I can order my XG-3 now knowing even I will be able to get
it to work...:-)

Guess I better dive into my 'donation to Eric's retirement account' now and
let a few more moths out..(Grin)


On 23 April 2011 04:11, Greg Buhyoff <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Bill, well, this over-educated, self described computer good computer
> handler, found the problem.  I reseated everything -- the USB to serial
> cables were all seated well to begin with. But, I gave the 1/8 inch plug
> connected to the RS-232 an extra wiggle and then it seated down a tad more
> and all works as advertised.  Maybe my stupidity in not checking the easy
> stuff first will help someone else.  Then again, there in not likely a
> member here that is as dumb as I am.  Thanks much, Bill, your note made me
> all the more intent on finding the problem.
> Have a good weekend and, I must say that XG3 is one neat piece of equipment
> and worth every penny even with the things I have done with it so far.
> Congratulations to Elecraft for another neat and flexible piece of
> equipment.  I love my Elecraft equipment and thanks to all who develop,
> refine, service, support, assemble, ship and communicate with dumb hams
> like
> me.
> 73 Greg K2UM
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VK4FD - Motorhome Mobile
Elecraft Equipment
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J-38 Key

In reply to this post by Guy, K2AV
Looking for one (or two) of the thumbscrews that go into the terminals
in the rear of the key, mounted to the base. One got lost somewhere
along the line. Anyone have a source or an extra one that they are
willing to part with? If so, Please reply off-list and let me know how
much you need. My info in QRZ is correct.


Dick / KC9GSM
Sebastian, FL
K-3 - #4019
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SKCC #6955

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