RFC1 and RFC2 on KSB2

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RFC1 and RFC2 on KSB2

Maybe it's just me, but I found RFC1 and RFC2 on the KSB2 to be very tight
fits. They are both quite stuck between the crystal and resistor pack. That
would normally not be a problem, but allthough the manual says to 'try to
avoid scrapping the wire', one of my RFC's apparently did not come through
unscraped. After mounting and checking for continuity, I had the good sense
to check for a short to the crystal can and Bingo! Shorted!

I might have made some more room, if the manual had warned that the crystal
and the resistor pack should have been soldered as far away from eachother
as possible. I'm not sure, as this is my first KSB2. I'd rather not start
messing with them now they are already in there.

If it's just me, no problem, it's fixed.
If it is more common, maybe it would be a good idea to have the manual
check for shorts between the RFC and the crystal. I'm not sure how long it
would have taken me to find this one if I hadn't done it right away. From
the schematic I'd say it would have introduced some weird filter switching

Bart de PA3GYU.

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RE : RFC1 and RFC2 on KSB2


If you scratch a little bit the wire of RFC toroïds on the SSB board... Just
borrow from your wife and put a little bit of "red nail varnish" on the wire
where you scratch it.... I did this and it prevents problem, and it works


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de pa3gyu
Envoyé : 22 janvier 2005 12:01
À : [hidden email]
Objet : [Elecraft] RFC1 and RFC2 on KSB2

Maybe it's just me, but I found RFC1 and RFC2 on the KSB2 to be very tight
fits. They are both quite stuck between the crystal and resistor pack. That
would normally not be a problem, but allthough the manual says to 'try to
avoid scrapping the wire', one of my RFC's apparently did not come through
unscraped. After mounting and checking for continuity, I had the good sense
to check for a short to the crystal can and Bingo! Shorted!

I might have made some more room, if the manual had warned that the crystal
and the resistor pack should have been soldered as far away from eachother
as possible. I'm not sure, as this is my first KSB2. I'd rather not start
messing with them now they are already in there.

If it's just me, no problem, it's fixed.
If it is more common, maybe it would be a good idea to have the manual
check for shorts between the RFC and the crystal. I'm not sure how long it
would have taken me to find this one if I hadn't done it right away. From
the schematic I'd say it would have introduced some weird filter switching

Bart de PA3GYU.

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Re: RFC1 and RFC2 on KSB2

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by PA3GYU

You must have had the R-Paks tilted in toward the crystals a bit rather than
vertical.  I just checked 2 KSB2s that I just built and there is enough
space to slide a business card thickness easily between either the crystal
and the RF Choke or on the R-Pak side.  I really can't imagine why you
scraped the wire on the smooth crystal body (or on the R-Pak either), but I
don't doubt your findings.


----- Original Message -----
Subject: [Elecraft] RFC1 and RFC2 on KSB2

> Maybe it's just me, but I found RFC1 and RFC2 on the KSB2 to be very tight
> fits. They are both quite stuck between the crystal and resistor pack.
> That would normally not be a problem, but allthough the manual says to
> 'try to avoid scrapping the wire', one of my RFC's apparently did not come
> through unscraped. After mounting and checking for continuity, I had the
> good sense to check for a short to the crystal can and Bingo! Shorted!
> I might have made some more room, if the manual had warned that the
> crystal and the resistor pack should have been soldered as far away from
> eachother as possible. I'm not sure, as this is my first KSB2. I'd rather
> not start messing with them now they are already in there.
> If it's just me, no problem, it's fixed.
> If it is more common, maybe it would be a good idea to have the manual
> check for shorts between the RFC and the crystal. I'm not sure how long it
> would have taken me to find this one if I hadn't done it right away. From
> the schematic I'd say it would have introduced some weird filter switching
> problems....
> Bart de PA3GYU.

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