Re: K1/K2 Paint Color AND more

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Re: K1/K2 Paint Color AND more

In a message dated 3/7/2005 7:31:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,  
[hidden email] writes:

I do  have to wonder about anyone sniffing spray paint by spraying it up
their  nose. I bet that would be easy to catch... ;-)

>From Los Angeles: I have personally observed someone spraying white paint  
into a
paper bag and then inhaling. White residue was around his nose, chin and  
I understand it does quite a number on the liver. We also have a  restriction
of two
packages purchased at one time for any product containing  pseudoephedrine
as a nasal decongestant. It apparently is used in the manufacture of  
The major blight in Los Angeles is graffitti. My printing plant is in an  old
area south of downtown where there are quite a few gangs who like to mark  
territory (similar to dogs). If we immediately remove the markings, after  
two or
three attempts they go away and it stays clean for several weeks. They also  
to steal copper coils out of industrial roof air conditioners. We have to  
weld cages
around each unit.
Geoff, K6TFZ
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Re: K1 paddle

Bob P-2
I have just bought a 4 band K1 used.  I saw a picture of a K1 with a paddle
attached to the front of the cabinet. Can some one enlighten me on what it
is, is it made for just the K1 ?

I'm looing to some traveling with it, what is the standard paddle most
people use with it, I use a bencher now, and its kinda big and delicate.


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Re: K1/K2 Paint Color AND more

Sandy W5TVW
In reply to this post by K6TFZ
Come on guys!  If anyone is stupid enough to sniff paint and croaks because of it,
too bad!  High school kids are playing 'dope lab' with Angle's Trumpte flowers in New
Orleans and some have died!  Ditto for the dumb mindset of hazing and overdrinking at
frat houses.
Let's get back to radio things.

Sandy W5TVW
----- Original Message -----
From: <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K1/K2 Paint Color AND more

| In a message dated 3/7/2005 7:31:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,
| [hidden email] writes:
| I do  have to wonder about anyone sniffing spray paint by spraying it up
| their  nose. I bet that would be easy to catch... ;-)
| >From Los Angeles: I have personally observed someone spraying white paint
| into a
| paper bag and then inhaling. White residue was around his nose, chin and
| cheeks.
| I understand it does quite a number on the liver. We also have a  restriction
| of two
| packages purchased at one time for any product containing  pseudoephedrine
| used
| as a nasal decongestant. It apparently is used in the manufacture of
| methamphetamine.
| The major blight in Los Angeles is graffitti. My printing plant is in an  old
| industrial
| area south of downtown where there are quite a few gangs who like to mark
| their
| territory (similar to dogs). If we immediately remove the markings, after
| two or
| three attempts they go away and it stays clean for several weeks. They also
| like
| to steal copper coils out of industrial roof air conditioners. We have to
| weld cages
| around each unit.
| Geoff, K6TFZ
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Re: K1 paddle

In reply to this post by Bob P-2

There are quite a few small paddles. Some are made from binder clips or
plastic boxes and brass spacers while others are finely crafted instruments.
Since they are all small and lightweight, you usually end up with one hand
holding the paddle while you send with the other. Some do have magnets or
other attachments, but these never worked very well for me. The two I am
most fond of are the GHD GM701 "Travel Paddle" or the Palm Paddle. Both
units store well and retract for traveling. They are well made but have very
different tactile personalities. The GHD (I'm a big GHD fan) has a nice
positive mechanical feel, while the Palm has a smoother, almost silent
touch. I would recommend you check out the following website:

Marshall has a large selection of all sorts of keys and always has been
helpful when I asked for advice. (NB: I have no connection to this vendor
other than that of a very satisfied costumer.)

I know there are many ops who are just as happy with a piece of foil and a
thumbtack, but I seem to have a 'need' for the better made keys. It may take
you a while to figure out what works best for you.

Just to show you how personal these preferences are: I'm learning how to use
a bug now and I have a long way to go. I thought that I would never make it,
but the real truth was that I just wasn't comfortable with a Vibroplex. It
may be my arthritis or a bone in my head, but I just could not get the bug
to feel right until I tried a different brand. The non-Vibroplex bug works
wonderfully well for me, but it took quite a while for me to try an 'off'

So you may have to kiss a few frogs before you find a prince. Good Luck.

You can always get a heated discussion started here when you ask about keys
or headphones!


Lonnie NY2LJ

>I have just bought a 4 band K1 used. I saw a picture of a K1 with a paddle
attached to the front >of the cabinet. Can some one enlighten me on what it
is, is it made for just the K1 ?
>I'm looing to some traveling with it, what is the standard paddle most
people use with it, I use >a bencher now, and its kinda big and delicate.

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Re: K1 paddle

David Toepfer
In reply to this post by Bob P-2
The pics I have seen usually show a Palm Paddle (
or a Paddlette (  There are others, many
others, but these are the ones I usually see depicted.


--- ROBERT PHILLIPS <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I have just bought a 4 band K1 used.  I saw a picture of a K1 with a paddle
> attached to the front of the cabinet. Can some one enlighten me on what it
> is, is it made for just the K1 ?
> I'm looing to some traveling with it, what is the standard paddle most
> people use with it, I use a bencher now, and its kinda big and delicate.
> Bob KC8IPQ
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