> Just spent my first hour with my K1 kit. Here's what I'm missing so
> far:
> 2 - Thermal insulator, TO220; for Q6, Q7 (RF BOARD)
> 1 - Acrylic display bezel; for LCD (Front Panel)
Found these in the envelope marked "Serial Number Kit". That could have been
identified better. :-)
> 1- 2N7000 transistor, TO-92 plastic
Found this one stuck in the antistatic foam. Duh!
> I have two extra resistors.
They're definitely extra.
After going through most of the basics (not the ATU or battery kit yet) I'm
missing just one capacitor (80m board). Sounds like that happens from time
to time. It was just looking scary for a while.
>> Who is "Christine" and how much did she have to drink before she packed
>> my kit? :-)
>Why would it 'never' occur to me to make a comment like this about
>someone I didn't know?
>Art W6KY
Maybe because you have no sense of humor? Hard to say, since I don't know
you. :-)
In the end, Christine did a better job than I thought. Even sent me a couple
spare resistors.
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