Re: KX1 1000 miles per watt

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Re: KX1 1000 miles per watt

Worked I2MMR from my home in Acton, MA and it came out to be
1680 miles per watt. I've got the award. It is hanging on the

The thing is, I almost think the award should have gone to the
OM on the other end. He was the poor fellow who had to pick out
my 2.3W signal and make sense of it. My part was easy!

As posted about a week ago, a capacitor had gone bad in my
KX1 and it began acting pretty flaky. I've never had a cap
go bad in a radio before. Very strange.

I will tell you, though, that I was broken hearted when it
went on the fritz. That little KX1 has quickly become my
favorite toy. I'm hoping to do many more of those 1000-mpw
QSOs while I do DXCC QRP.

Congratulations again on your QSO. By all means get the
wall paper! 73!

-- Scott (NE1RD)

B. Scott Andersen    | "Magic is real, unless declared integer."
[hidden email]   | -- The collected sayings of Wiz Zumwalt
Acton, Massachusetts | Ham: NE1RD, QRP ARCI#11588, FP#-910

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Re: Re: KX1 1000 miles per watt

Larry Cahoon

>The thing is, I almost think the award should have gone to the
>OM on the other end. He was the poor fellow who had to pick out
>my 2.3W signal and make sense of it. My part was easy!

You can send him the award - both parties the the QSO are eligible for the
award - he does not have to be QRP

73 de Larry...........WD3P in MD

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Re: Re: KX1 1000 miles per watt

Michael Neverdosky
In reply to this post by ne1rd
B. Scott Andersen wrote:
> Worked I2MMR from my home in Acton, MA and it came out to be
> 1680 miles per watt. I've got the award. It is hanging on the
> wall.
> The thing is, I almost think the award should have gone to the
> OM on the other end. He was the poor fellow who had to pick out
> my 2.3W signal and make sense of it. My part was easy!

When I did my 1000 miles/watt award I also put in for (and paid)
the award for the operator on the other end.

I think it makes a nice 'thank you' and sheds a good light on QRP.

michael N6CHV
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Re: Re: KX1 1000 miles per watt

I did the same thing for the same reasons. Curt, AH6RE, really hung in there
and pulled my K1's 5 Watt sig from the noise floor. Very much appreciated on
this end.

Vy 73 de Bert
FISTS #9384
QRP ARCI #11782

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Neverdosky" <[hidden email]>
Cc: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: KX1 1000 miles per watt

> B. Scott Andersen wrote:
>> Worked I2MMR from my home in Acton, MA and it came out to be
>> 1680 miles per watt. I've got the award. It is hanging on the
>> wall.
>> The thing is, I almost think the award should have gone to the
>> OM on the other end. He was the poor fellow who had to pick out
>> my 2.3W signal and make sense of it. My part was easy!
> When I did my 1000 miles/watt award I also put in for (and paid)
> the award for the operator on the other end.
> I think it makes a nice 'thank you' and sheds a good light on QRP.
> michael N6CHV
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