Softrock panadapter for K3

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Softrock panadapter for K3

Is there any documentation on how to go about building the Softrock panadapter for the K3?  I haven't found anything via a search here or on the internet.  Any help?  Seems like an inexpensive way to get panadapter capability.

73 Bill NZ0T
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

Buck - k4ia
I have an unbuilt kit.  No instructions in it.  I think they  are on the
internet.  I thought better of it and got the LP Pan  instead.  Anyone want to
make me an offer?
K3 #101
In a message dated 2/8/2010 7:41:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
[hidden email] writes:

Is  there any documentation on how to go about building the Softrock
panadapter  for the K3?  I haven't found anything via a search here or on  
internet.  Any help?  Seems like an inexpensive way to get  panadapter

73 Bill NZ0T
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

Don Wilhelm-4
In reply to this post by NZ0T

You will find all the documentation you need on the SoftRock40 Yahoo
group.  I don't like navigating Yahoo Groups much, but the info is in
the Files area, and you have to join the group to get access.

If you are seriously considering this alternative, I suggest you use a
Clifton Labs Z10000 buffer between the K3 and the Softroct to keep the
Softrock LO signal out of the K3 IF.  My implementation is awaiting for
the enclosure I have chosen to arrive from TenTec.


NZ0T wrote:

> Is there any documentation on how to go about building the Softrock
> panadapter for the K3?  I haven't found anything via a search here or on the
> internet.  Any help?  Seems like an inexpensive way to get panadapter
> capability.
> 73 Bill NZ0T
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3


I'm in the process of doing this.  I'm no expert.  There seems to be no
single source tutorial anywhere.  One has to be willing to do a lot of
GOOGLE searches to overcome problems you encounter along the way.

Several of the PVRC guys have these up an running.  It isn't as simple
as it looks at first blush-- especially if you want frequency displayed
on the panadapter.  I'm interested in a type of display that doesn't
move displayed signals when you tune the K3.  That's not what you get

Many people experience "hum" problems with the $19 variety SDR.  Solving
this involves a lot of experimentation.  SDR center frequency feed
though is also a problem.  The Z10000 buffer amp helps keeps this out of
the display.

Like the PVRC guys, I'm interested in having the "panadapter" export
spots to a logging program.  Doing so involves a number of layers of
both hardware and software.  This requires use of SKIMMER software
hooked to the SOFTROCK IF radio.  SKIMMER simultaneously decodes the
whole band of CW signals.  The result is a bandmap of data showing calls
and frequencies.  These spots can be exported to a telnet site.

Other gotcha's:
1) SKIMMER is a big CPU hog.  Running it and several other programs at
the same time really requires a multicore PC or a very fast single CPU
2) SKIMMER needs K3 frequency info.  So you need to use some software to
create port sharing so that frequency info is available to both your
logging program and SKIMMER.
3) The buffer amp isolation of the SR center frequency signal is a
4) SKIMMER can export spots to TELNET.  However, you will most likely
need a program which combines TELNET packet cluster spots from several
sources into one "TELNET port" for your logging program.

Because of 1) several guys have gone to running SKIMMER on one machine
and the rest of their software on another.  Getting the shared port info
from the second computer to the first is another obstacle to overcome.

I'm sure there are more gotcha's in doing this.  I'm not far along to
have stumbled upon this just yet.

73 de Brian/K3KO

Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Bill,
> You will find all the documentation you need on the SoftRock40 Yahoo
> group.  I don't like navigating Yahoo Groups much, but the info is in
> the Files area, and you have to join the group to get access.
> If you are seriously considering this alternative, I suggest you use a
> Clifton Labs Z10000 buffer between the K3 and the Softroct to keep the
> Softrock LO signal out of the K3 IF.  My implementation is awaiting for
> the enclosure I have chosen to arrive from TenTec.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> NZ0T wrote:
>> Is there any documentation on how to go about building the Softrock
>> panadapter for the K3?  I haven't found anything via a search here or on the
>> internet.  Any help?  Seems like an inexpensive way to get panadapter
>> capability.
>> 73 Bill NZ0T
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

Julian, G4ILO
You can find the build instructions here: No need to join a Yahoo group.

If you are using a 30m or 40m SoftRock then there are some slight changes that I think Don W3FPR sent me in an email (which I can't find now having updated the printed out instructions.)
Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222 KX3 #110
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

Mike Reublin
Seems like a moot point, as it appears there are no kits available for sale.

Mike NF4L

Julian, G4ILO wrote:

> You can find the build instructions here: No need
> to join a Yahoo group.
> If you are using a 30m or 40m SoftRock then there are some slight changes
> that I think Don W3FPR sent me in an email (which I can't find now having
> updated the printed out instructions.)
> -----
> Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222.
> * G4ILO's Shack -
> * KComm -
> * KTune -

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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

Don Wilhelm-4
Keep checking at  Tony replenishes his kits from
time to time.


Mike wrote:
> Seems like a moot point, as it appears there are no kits available for sale.
> Mike NF4L
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

In reply to this post by Buck - k4ia
Be worth stating which kit it is Buck. Tony's mod kit for the K3 which I've had for some months is for modding the Softrock Lite 6; I'm using an original Softrock v6.0 and there are differences particularly the input filter and component numbering around the oscillator.

I starting off following the instructions to the letter while listening to music until something didn't seem right and then I had to undo some of my handiwork - fingers crossed it works in the end.....


Stewart, GW0ETF
(K3 #145)

K4IA wrote
I have an unbuilt kit.  No instructions in it.  I think they  are on the
internet.  I thought better of it and got the LP Pan  instead.  Anyone want to
make me an offer?
K3 #101
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

In reply to this post by NZ0T
Bill -

     I have built and am actively using a Softrock Lite II for K3 IF kit. These kits are not currently being sold by Tony, but the kit is a Softrock Lite II for 40 m with a different crystal and several other small changes in caps and toroid windings. I do have the Instructions for the kit. I believe some hams have bought a custom crystal to adapt the Lite II for 40 m to K3 IF. The kit works best with the Clifton Labs Z10000 Buffer Amp. This is available as a kit and is inexpensive.
     A slightly more expensive, but easier solution is to buy the LP Pan. It comes as a kit $175 or built $225. The kit is a very easy build. The instructions for the LP Pan are excellent. They provide all the detail you need to build the kit, select an appropriate sound card, set up the cabling, obtain and set up the software. If you can read and follow instructions, you can make it work.
     Power SDR IF played with either of these panadapters provides up to 192 KHz  of visual display. It provides a second receiver, even if your K3 doesn't have one. It provides point and click tuning on both VFOs. It provides point and click filter adjustment for both VFOs. It allows you to listen to VFO A in 1 ear and VFO B in the other. Sliders allow you to adjust how you hear VFO A and VFO B. And more. All of this is point and click and fully, bidirectionally interactive with the K3. The visual display adds dramatically to the enjoyment and functionality of the K3.
     If you want to discuss this further, please contact me off list.

                                                                                            K4KGG, Larry
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

Joe Subich, W4TV-4
In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-4

E-mail Tony directly.  A note on another list indicates that he
has difficulty keeping the web site up to date due to the time
spent kitting, packing and shipping.


   ... Joe, W4TV

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Don Wilhelm
> Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 8:30 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Cc: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Softrock panadapter for K3
> Keep checking at  Tony replenishes
> his kits from
> time to time.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> Mike wrote:
> > Seems like a moot point, as it appears there are no kits
> available for
> > sale.
> >
> > Mike NF4L
> >
> >  
> >
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Re: Softrock panadapter for K3

In reply to this post by NZ0T
I just finished building and installing a Softrock panadapter for my K2 and
it works beautifully - all the info that you need to build the softrock is
on the softrock files web page. Info on using it as a panadapter is on Jack
Smith's Clifton Laboratories web site... probably much more than you'd every
want to know.
The Softrock wasn't difficult to build, as long as you have a steady hand, a
fine tip soldering iron, and a good magnifier.  There are a number of
surface mount resistors (all of the same value) and 4 ICs that are surface
mount. All other components are through hole. The components that are
different for using the Softrock as an panadapter are all through hole
components. I don't know if the K3 IF version of Softrock is still
available, but since the component differences are all through hole, it
would be easy to find the replacement parts that are needed.
When I ordered the softrock some time ago, I inadvertently specified the K3
version, not the K2 version. Subsequently WB9YIG sent me the different parts
and changes needed for the K2, so I have the list of parts and differences
for both the K2 and K3 - I can give you that list if you need it.
In connecting the Softrock between my K2 and my computer, I followed Jack
Smith's approach to reduce noise by using isolation audio transformers, etc.
I also built and installed Jack's Z10000 IF buffer amp in my K2. For the K2,
I'm using the IF version of SDR Radio, which works along with HRD to
interface and control my K2. The SDR Radio IF apparently can control the K3
directly without using HRD.
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