Spurious signals heard -- K2

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Spurious signals heard -- K2

I just noticed a couple of very loud spurs on my K2/100 at 18086.6 and 28018.4
KHz.  They have the following characteristics:

1) They tune funny -- each step causes a much larger pitch change than normal
signals, and

2) They are just as loud with the antenna disconnected (so they are not images,

Does anyone hear them?  Any ideas about what might be the cause?

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: Spurious signals heard -- K2

Vic Rosenthal wrote:

> I just noticed a couple of very loud spurs on my K2/100 at 18086.6 and
> 28018.4 KHz.  They have the following characteristics:

And now I hear another one on 24905.2.  It must be a new 'feature' that I've
created, since I can't imagine that these have been there since the beginning
(my K2 is no. 709).

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: Spurious signals heard -- K2

In reply to this post by Vic K2VCO
Nothing heard on #4398 ... just real signals.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Vic Rosenthal wrote:

> I just noticed a couple of very loud spurs on my K2/100 at 18086.6 and 28018.4
> KHz.  They have the following characteristics:
> 1) They tune funny -- each step causes a much larger pitch change than normal
> signals, and
> 2) They are just as loud with the antenna disconnected (so they are not images,
> etc.).
> Does anyone hear them?  Any ideas about what might be the cause?
> --
> 73,
> Vic, K2VCO
> Fresno CA
> http://www.qsl.net/k2vco
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Re: Spurious signals heard -- K2

Fred, do you have a KPA100 or is your K2 QRP?  I suspect that it might be
related to the KPA100.


Fred Jensen wrote:

> Nothing heard on #4398 ... just real signals.
> Fred K6DGW
> Auburn CA CM98lw
> Vic Rosenthal wrote:
>>I just noticed a couple of very loud spurs on my K2/100 at 18086.6 and 28018.4
>>KHz.  They have the following characteristics:
>>1) They tune funny -- each step causes a much larger pitch change than normal
>>signals, and
>>2) They are just as loud with the antenna disconnected (so they are not images,
>>Does anyone hear them?  Any ideas about what might be the cause?

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Re: Spurious signals heard -- K2

David A. Belsley
   s/n 744 is with KPA100.


On Oct 24, 2004, at 4:13 PM, Vic Rosenthal wrote:

> Fred, do you have a KPA100 or is your K2 QRP?  I suspect that it might
> be related to the KPA100.
> Vic K2VCO
> Fred Jensen wrote:
>> Nothing heard on #4398 ... just real signals.
>> Fred K6DGW
>> Auburn CA CM98lw
>> Vic Rosenthal wrote:
>>> I just noticed a couple of very loud spurs on my K2/100 at 18086.6
>>> and 28018.4
>>> KHz.  They have the following characteristics:
>>> 1) They tune funny -- each step causes a much larger pitch change
>>> than normal
>>> signals, and
>>> 2) They are just as loud with the antenna disconnected (so they are
>>> not images,
>>> etc.).
>>> Does anyone hear them?  Any ideas about what might be the cause?
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Re: Spurious signals heard -- K2

In reply to this post by Vic K2VCO
W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Vic,
> OK, I will venture a guess ---
> You might want to check for a large signal in the shack from 11.5 to
> 11.7 MHz - like in a computer for instance, oscillators near 12 MHz are
> common in computers, and the frequency may depend on what is going on
> inside the computer.

I didn't believe you, because the signal is there with no antenna.  But I
decided to check some things.  When I turned of the shack computer, the spur
didn't disappear...but it got weaker!  Hmm, what could that mean?  I then
disconnected the interface cable from the K2 which goes to the KAT100, the KRC2,
and the computer (I like gadgets).  It disappeared!  AHA!  Now I reconnected it
and tried disconnecting just the KRC2 -- bingo, all gone.  The oscillator in the
KRC2 must be sending a strong signal into the K2 via the interface cable.

By the way, I did do the 17 meter EU BC mod some time ago because I had a
similar problem due to large SWBC signals.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: Spurious signals heard -- K2

Vic Rosenthal wrote:

> I didn't believe you, because the signal is there with no antenna.  But
> I decided to check some things.  When I turned of the shack computer,
> the spur didn't disappear...but it got weaker!  Hmm, what could that
> mean?  I then disconnected the interface cable from the K2 which goes to
> the KAT100, the KRC2, and the computer (I like gadgets).  It
> disappeared!  AHA!  Now I reconnected it and tried disconnecting just
> the KRC2 -- bingo, all gone.  The oscillator in the KRC2 must be sending
> a strong signal into the K2 via the interface cable.

Even more interesting:  when I disconnect the cable from the KRC2 to the PC
serial port, it goes away completely, even though the KRC2 is still connected to
the K2.  When I reconnect it, the signal comes back...even when the PC is
unplugged from the AC line.  And when it appears it does so with a little
'chirp' indicating that something is suddenly starting to oscillate, or the
frequency of an oscillator is changing.

So it's something in the KRC2 which happens only when the PC serial port is
connected, even if the PC is powered down.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: Spurious signals heard -- K2

In reply to this post by Vic K2VCO
[hidden email] wrote:

> Must be the real time clock in the computer, or some associated circuits. It
> runs off a coin cell, just like the RTC in the KAF2
I don't think so, for the following reason:  there are lots of connections to
the PC in the shack, but disconnecting the serial port connection to the KRC2
makes it disappear completely.  And it's got to be a super powerful
signal...remember, what I'm hearing is not a signal from the PC, but rather a
spurious signal produced in the K2 by a very large out-of-band signal.  I don't
think the CMOS clock oscillator would be that strong.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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