Stability of the K2 & XV144 Transverter

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Stability of the K2 & XV144 Transverter

Hi to all from a new member to the list. I just ordered a K2 kit plus
the add-ons and an XV50 and an XV144.

I am very interested in weak signal working on VHF and to that end have
also ordered the XVOVN crystal oven for the XV144. Assuming that this
makes the transverter very stable, can I just ask if any other actions
need to be taken to the K2 itself, or is the rig fine at 28Mhz which is
where I will be transverting from?

Any info most welcome.



Ken Wood <[hidden email]>
IO83rh : Cheshire : NW England
(+44) (0)1606 892677 (home)
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RE: Stability of the K2 & XV144 Transverter

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Hi, Ken:

The only thing about the K2 that comes to mind depends upon the age of your
K2. If it's fairly recent (S/N 3446 or later) it's as stable as it can be.
However, if you have an older one, there are two important mods to make it
more stable. One mod improves the BFO stability and the other mod improves
the local oscillator phase locked loop reference oscillator stability.

These mods are especially important for stability on the higher HF bands
such as 10 meters because  on those bands the drift characteristics of the
BFO and PLL reference oscillator were such that they added to increase the
drift. This issue wasn't noticed for a long time in part because the drift
characteristics tended to cancel each other out on the lower bands, due to
the way the mixing scheme works in the K2. The circuit changes were made
standard in K2's after S/N 3446, so if you have a newer one, the improved
circuits are already built in.

If you have an older one, you can purchase upgrade kits from Elecraft.


-----Original Message-----
Hi to all from a new member to the list. I just ordered a K2 kit plus the
add-ons and an XV50 and an XV144.

I am very interested in weak signal working on VHF and to that end have also
ordered the XVOVN crystal oven for the XV144. Assuming that this makes the
transverter very stable, can I just ask if any other actions need to be
taken to the K2 itself, or is the rig fine at 28Mhz which is where I will be
transverting from?

Any info most welcome.



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RE: Stability of the K2 & XV144 Transverter

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
In reply to this post by Ken G3WCS
Wups... Mis-read you message, Ken. Since you just ordered the K2 kit, it'll
have all the latest circuit improvements to stabilize it... Now where's my



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Re: Stability of the K2 & XV144 Transverter

David Pratt-3
In reply to this post by Ken G3WCS

By "add-ons", Ken, I presume you are including the K60XV, which is the
option board enabling 5MHz use and a low power transverter interface.

I use the K2/KSB2/KIO2/KAT2/KNB2/K60XV with the XV144 and its XVOVN and
am highly delighted with the performance, both transmitting and
receiving.  I use either a Kenwood MC-43S hand mic or a D104 both of
which provide excellent speech quality.

In two words: "highly recommended".

73 de David G4DMP

PS: I have your QSL card here for a QSO on top band on 11-8-68 when my
call sign was G3KEP!

In a recent message, Ken G3WCS <[hidden email]> said....
>Hi to all from a new member to the list. I just ordered a K2 kit plus
>the add-ons and an XV50 and an XV144.
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Re: Stability of the K2 & XV144 Transverter

Hi David & all,

Firstly, let me say a sincere thank you to the folk who have replied
both on and off the list. I have received about six or seven "off list"
emails, all of which have stated how stable the combination is for them.

 > By "add-ons", Ken, I presume you are including the K60XV, which is the
 > option board enabling 5MHz use and a low power transverter interface.

David, thanks for all the info. Yes, the "add-ons" include the K60XV as
my main use for the radio will be transverting. All the other people who
emailed and use the rig with the XV144 are delighted and sing its praises.

> In two words: "highly recommended".

Thanks for that, excellent news.

> PS: I have your QSL card here for a QSO on top band on 11-8-68 when my
> call sign was G3KEP!

Wow!! That was the year in which I was licenced. (Feb 1968).

Must be time for old timers to get a cup of cocoa and shuffle off to bed :-)

Best 73,



Ken Wood <[hidden email]>
IO83rh : Cheshire : NW England
(+44) (0)1606 892677 (home)
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