T1 antenna configurations

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T1 antenna configurations

I waited a while to ask these questions, as I thought they might be in
the FAQ.

What sort of antenna configurations will the T1 work with? Will it work
with short whip antennas, such as you would use pedestrian mobile? How
versatile is it compared to the KAT2, which seems to be able to match
just about anything!

Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo

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Re: T1 antenna configurations

Tom Hammond-3
Hi Julian:

>What sort of antenna configurations will the T1 work with? Will it work
>with short whip antennas, such as you would use pedestrian mobile? How
>versatile is it compared to the KAT2, which seems to be able to match just
>about anything!

I'm Field Testing the T1 as I write this reply...

So far, the T1 has handled every antenna (and band, 80-10M) I've thrown at it.

Granted, I've only exposed the T1 to my 80/40/30 meter dipole (on ALL
bands, 160 thru 10m) and my Bencher SkyHawk tribander (on ALL bands, 160
thru 10m), but it acquitted itself quite well on all bands but 160m, which
was pretty much of a BIG stretch anyway.

Within the next few days, I'll be hanging some SHORT wires outside the
shack, with matching counterpoises laid out on the floor of the shack, and
will be exposing the T1 to those as well. From having FTed all of the
previous versions of ATU from Elecraft, I expect nothing less than
excellent handling of these antennas as well.

Unfortunately, I have no short whip for using while ped. mobile, but I feel
certain that several of the others who are FTing the T1 as well will be
able to address your concerns within the next week (max.).

If it warms up just a wee bit later today, I'll try to get something up
outside and see what results I can conjure up for you... just as a beginning.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: T1 antenna configurations (short whips, etc.)

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by g4ilo-2
On Mar 3, 2005, at 1:37 AM, Julian, G4ILO wrote:

> What sort of antenna configurations will the T1 work with? Will it
> work with short whip antennas, such as you would use pedestrian
> mobile? How versatile is it compared to the KAT2?

Hi Julian,

I'll add your question (and the answer) to the FAQ. There's also a
section called "Antenna Recommendations" in the T1 Owner's Manual,
which is available on our T1 page (http://www.elecraft.com/T1/T1.htm).

We have tested the T1 with a variety of electrically short antennas,
including tuned and untuned whips, backpacking verticals and dipoles,
and random wires. Here are a few examples of antennas that the T1
matched to a very low SWR:

- A 4' base-loaded whip on 40-10 m (when coil was adjusted for
resonance on 30 m)
- An 8' untuned whip on 30 meters and up
- A 15' random-wire on 40 meters and up
- An 18' random-wire on 60 meters and up

These are representative of antennas you'd find in mobile or HF Pack
situations. Longer wires will allow use on the lower bands. At my QTH I
have a 50' end-fed wire (no feedline) that the T1 can match from 80-6

The KAT2 has 8 Ls and 8 Cs (vs. 7 each for the T1), providing a greater
maximum inductance and capacitance. It can match somewhat shorter
antennas than the T1 for a given band.




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