The notion of "balance" on a toroid at these frequencies and these low turn-numbers is a pretty loose thing. For the K2's kind of transformers and inductors (apart from L31) it is more important to get the winding sense right and to make the winding leads to emerge from the core such that they go into the PCB with short runs, than it is to sweat over making the windings precisely arranged.
Marshall, WA3VPZ
-----Original Message-----
I am building SN:5750. I have searched the archive to answer this but not
found one.
I have wound the primary and secondary (20 turns and 5 turns). When I
finished, I noted that I started the first turn of the secondary has more
turns of the primary in front of it vs. the back of it.
I was concerned that this might hurt its performance because it is not
"balanced". Does it matter?
Thanks, 73,
Chuck - K3TNT
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