The Linus Special

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The Linus Special

Hi All,
Notwithstanding my dog Linus's efforts to the contrary (trying to eat my  
parts), the T1 is up and running.  Still running tests though, but it tunes  
fine.  My firmware is v 1.07--looks like there has been an update since the  
manual was prepared.  The only construction question I have is why we are  
instructed to wait until the board is full of parts before we do the parts on  the
bottom side of the board.  Seems like it would have been easier to  mount these
first, still solder them from the bottom side, but then clip the  leads flush
on the top side.  But I'm sure there's a good reason for  doing it otherwise.
 The T1 is going to be a very handy piece of gear.  Thanks to  Wayne and Eric
for another winner.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate the day.
Dave W7AQK
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RE: The Linus Special

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Dave, W7AQK, wrote:

Notwithstanding my dog Linus's efforts to the contrary (trying to eat my  
parts), the T1 is up and running.  Still running tests though, but it tunes

fine.  My firmware is v 1.07--looks like there has been an update since the

manual was prepared.  The only construction question I have is why we are  
instructed to wait until the board is full of parts before we do the parts
on  the
bottom side of the board.  Seems like it would have been easier to  mount
first, still solder them from the bottom side, but then clip the  leads
on the top side.  But I'm sure there's a good reason for  doing it


Congratulations, Dave!

My prototype T1 has v 1.07. I think that was the last revision before
shipments begun. What in the operating manual makes you suspect something
different? Wayne wrote the owner's manual and I confess I haven't studied
every statement in it for accuracy. Maybe a 1.07 change got missed that
should be fixed.

Thanks for the input on the assembly manual. That was my responsibility.  

I, too, prefer to mount parts while I can easily flush-cut the leads on the
opposite side, but doing so in the T1 would likely cause interference with
installing the relays. Both bottom-mounted caps end up right against the
relay pins on the underside of the board after installation. We thought it
would be easier to install the relays and to make sure they were all
straight and properly seated against the board and all the pins were
soldered before other parts are added.

Since the bottom-mounted parts are also soldered on the bottom side, it
didn't seem like it would be difficult to install them after the relays were
in place. Putting them in last avoided any chance of breaking the capacitor
leads by bending them back and forth to allow access to solder and inspect
the relay pins.


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Re: The Linus Special

Margaret Leber
Dave, W7AQK, wrote:

> Notwithstanding my dog Linus's efforts to the contrary (trying to eat my  
> parts), the T1 is up and running.  Still running tests though, but it tunes
> fine.

That's good...the "dog ate my tuner" excuse is way overused. :-)

  73 de Maggie K3XS

-----/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
----/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _    `  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_      K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '        .-/ .-/        ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/________________(_/_(_/_______AMSAT 32844_/<[hidden email]>/

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Re: The Linus Special

In reply to this post by DYARNES
In a message dated 3/27/2005 1:53:27 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  
[hidden email] writes:

My  prototype T1 has v 1.07. I think that was the last revision  before
shipments begun. What in the operating manual makes you suspect  something

Only that the owner's manual refers to V 1.06 when discussing the Info  
Report on page 7.  I assumed that perhaps they would use the latest  firmware
version in the instructions, but that may be a stretch!  Anyway,  no big deal--just
speculation on my part.
Very nice job on the manual Ron.  It certainly contained lots of very  
appropriate warnings where errors could commonly occur.  It was also  obvious that
someone very carefully documented potential problems in the  building process,
like not soldering certain leads before an adjoining lead was  also ready to
be soldered.  I particularly liked the thrice stated "get the  right LED lead
in the right hole" warning!  You must have had me in mind  when you  did that!  
Anyway, it's a very thorough and well thought out  construction guide indeed.
 Thanks for making it a heck of a lot easier for  us klutzes!
Dave W7AQK
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How Elecraft Manuals Come About...

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Dave, W7AQK wrote:
Only that the owner's manual refers to V 1.06 when discussing the Info
Report on page 7.  I assumed that perhaps they would use the latest firmware
version in the instructions, but that may be a stretch!  Anyway, no big
deal--just speculation on my part.
Very nice job on the manual Ron.  It certainly contained lots of very
appropriate warnings where errors could commonly occur.  It was also obvious
that someone very carefully documented potential problems in the building
process, like not soldering certain leads before an adjoining lead was also
ready to be soldered.  I particularly liked the thrice stated "get the right
LED lead in the right hole" warning!  You must have had me in mind when you
did that!  Anyway, it's a very thorough and well thought out construction
guide indeed.  Thanks for making it a heck of a lot easier for us klutzes!
Ha!  Ha! Wayne missed where he used ver 1.06 as an example of how the
firmware revision is reported. Yes, Wayne went to a 1.07 just before
production started.
Thank you for the nice words about the assembly manual. This is the third
such manual I've written for Elecraft, and let me say that it is *not* the
product of my own fingers, but rather a very concerted team effort. At least
a dozen people had input into that assembly manual.
It starts with the engineer, of course. In this case it was Wayne working
out the electrical and mechanical design, always thinking about the person
who will ultimately build the kit as well as use the finished unit.
Designing something others can build makes a project much, much bigger than
just making it work well!
When the design is getting close to a final product, it's my turn to build
one. I get the schematic, notes the designer has made about tricky parts of
the build, and a box of parts. As I build the unit I take photos, make
drawings, document the steps and analyze the build process. Some engineers
who also do a lot of writing, like Wayne, also provide a lot of notes, which
makes my job go faster.
My goal is to get a complete assembly procedure together in time for the
field test.
The field testers then get the manual and the field test "kits" of parts
that are close to what we plan to deliver to customers. They build their
units and comment on all aspects of the design, assembly procedure and
performance of the unit while the engineer and I take careful notes. I'm
constantly tweaking and revising the manual to correct any errors and to
make the process clearer each step of the way. The engineer is watching
closely for any design issues that need addressing. That's where emphasis on
certain issues, like making sure the LED's are installed correctly, are
identified and warnings included in the manual.
Sometimes, when significant design changes occur, I do another build. I
think I built two KX1's and 3-1/2 XV transverters before the engineers and
field testers were happy with the product and I was happy with the manual.
All the time the manual is constantly being updated and corrected and
Finally, then, the product shipments start and, as you've probably noticed,
I'm hovering around the reflector looking for comments about the assembly
procedure in case a mistake slipped by.
So the manual, like the whole design, is really a huge team effort. I'm
pleased to be a part of a great team who works together very well.
And, by now, I'm sure that you've noticed that, as a customer taking the
time to make a comment, you've become a valuable member of that team as
well. From what I've seen, no Elecraft product is ever truly finished. Each
one is carefully scrutinized by users everywhere and feedback is taken very
Whenever a design change or improvement is called for to ensure the device
works as advertised, it's made without hesitation thanks in large part to
the rest of the design team: all the Elecraft owners who ask questions and
offer feedback.
Thanks Dave!
Enjoy the T1!

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Re: The Linus Special

Brian Broggie
In reply to this post by DYARNES
I would like to assure all, the very latest version of the firmware as
of today (03/29/05) is 1.07.

How would I know?  I batch burned the chip you installed in your kit.

Brian Broggie - W6FVI
Elecraft Parts

[hidden email] wrote:


>fine.  My firmware is v 1.07--looks like there has been an update since the  
>manual was prepared.  The only construction question I have is why we are  

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