Trivia from G0XAR

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Trivia from G0XAR

stephen Farthing
Hi gentlefolks,

        Home construction has re-commenced at G0XAR after a lengthy gap due to heavy
work commitments and having to re-establish a shack, and aerials (thanks to
M0PUB and G0BBL for a very pleasent summer weekend getting them rigged...).

        I found some transparent small (1 meal sized) freezer boxes in Lakeland
Plastics on St Stephens Street in Norwich (they have branches in other towns
however I am not sure about the colonies ;-) ), they were about £4 for 50.
These are the same form factor as used by some Chinese takaways and are
really handy for component storage - being transparent you can see whats in
them - and they stack. So I have said fairwell to all those altoid tins.
tobacco tins and biscuit tins...stuff is easier to find and things are much
tidier as a result. Having only a little time to fool around in the shack
means that every second counts...I would rather spend it making things rather
that looking for things...

        I am currently constructing "Yet Another Small Aerial" a 5 foot whip tuned by
switchable toroids. In the course of building a VSWR indicator for it I have
found the "Copper Island Construction Kit" I bought at Rochdale some years to
be very useful...not sure if these are available any more , The concept is to  
use a piece of single sided PCB as a ground plane and to superglue small
discs of PCB material to it - these islands are then used to solder the
components to....once one gets used to the technique it is a remarkably quick
way of working.

        Once this is complete I'll probably start work on my K2 - Number 3354, which
will be fitted with the Top band, ATU and SSB options - I understand that
there are people who like to keep track of where all the K2s are - well 3354
is here in Norfolk, England.....

        Just out of interest does anyone know where I can obtain or how I can make  
solder pot. Like most of us in our 50s my eyesight is not what is was. So
tinning component leads, for example Toroids, can be a seems to
me that using a pot might make things easier.

        Lastly I have a couple of Howes kits - a frequency marker and a direct
conversion RX covering 10, 15 and i think 18 Mhz,,,,the marker works, the RX
needs completing..happy to pass them on to a good home. And does anyone have
a spare Norcal 38 Special kit they wish to part with.....mine seems to have
been lost in the move from Wiltshire to Norfolk....and I would dearly like
another one....

Stephen Farthing
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Re: Trivia from G0XAR

Tony Morgan-2

Type "solder pot" in search.
They do international shipping.

Tony W7GO
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Re: Trivia from G0XAR

Fernando Quinones
In reply to this post by stephen Farthing
Stephen wrote:

Hello and have fun.

I used an old pencil soldering iron, clamped it vertically, removed the
tip and filled the cavity with solder.
I then dip the end of wire into the cavity. Works very well. That's how
2330 got done.

take care.

>Hi gentlefolks,
> Home construction has re-commenced at G0XAR after a lengthy gap due to heavy
>work commitments and having to re-establish a shack, and aerials (thanks to
>M0PUB and G0BBL for a very pleasent summer weekend getting them rigged...).
> I found some transparent small (1 meal sized) freezer boxes in Lakeland
>Plastics on St Stephens Street in Norwich (they have branches in other towns
>however I am not sure about the colonies ;-) ), they were about £4 for 50.
>These are the same form factor as used by some Chinese takaways and are
>really handy for component storage - being transparent you can see whats in
>them - and they stack. So I have said fairwell to all those altoid tins.
>tobacco tins and biscuit tins...stuff is easier to find and things are much
>tidier as a result. Having only a little time to fool around in the shack
>means that every second counts...I would rather spend it making things rather
>that looking for things...
> I am currently constructing "Yet Another Small Aerial" a 5 foot whip tuned by
>switchable toroids. In the course of building a VSWR indicator for it I have
>found the "Copper Island Construction Kit" I bought at Rochdale some years to
>be very useful...not sure if these are available any more , The concept is to  
>use a piece of single sided PCB as a ground plane and to superglue small
>discs of PCB material to it - these islands are then used to solder the
>components to....once one gets used to the technique it is a remarkably quick
>way of working.
> Once this is complete I'll probably start work on my K2 - Number 3354, which
>will be fitted with the Top band, ATU and SSB options - I understand that
>there are people who like to keep track of where all the K2s are - well 3354
>is here in Norfolk, England.....
> Just out of interest does anyone know where I can obtain or how I can make  
>solder pot. Like most of us in our 50s my eyesight is not what is was. So
>tinning component leads, for example Toroids, can be a seems to
>me that using a pot might make things easier.
> Lastly I have a couple of Howes kits - a frequency marker and a direct
>conversion RX covering 10, 15 and i think 18 Mhz,,,,the marker works, the RX
>needs completing..happy to pass them on to a good home. And does anyone have
>a spare Norcal 38 Special kit they wish to part with.....mine seems to have
>been lost in the move from Wiltshire to Norfolk....and I would dearly like
>another one....


San Jose, CA

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