Using the K2's 10th S-meter LED for CW Tuning indication

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Using the K2's 10th S-meter LED for CW Tuning indication

Tom Hammond-3

For those of you who have (or will build) a CW Tuning Indicator which uses
an LED as it's indicator, I think I have managed to document the correct
installation of the device within the K2, using the 10th S-meter LED as the

Thanks to several folks for their replies to my initial query regarding how
they implemented this installation. I've never build (or installed) the CW
tuning indicator, so I've never had to actually DO it.

I do have a DRAFT(!) set of installation docs, one for the KR5L design and
one for the K6XX design, if anyone would like to take a look at them. They
may be final, if I don't receive any comments of problems. But, if you're
interested in looking at them, just drop me a note and I'll e-mail a copy
of the PDF to you... it's pretty small.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: Using the K2's 10th S-meter LED for CW Tuning indication

Tom Hammond-3
Hi Joe:

>I believe you said you preferred the K6XX design over KR5L, so my current
>thinking is to build the K6XX version.  I don't know why I want to build
>the tuning indicator because I do alright with matching tones using the K2
>SPOT function.  Would you care to share why you haven't built the LED
>tuning indicator?  I know, you like to use the SPOT !

I've never really needed it! I've been doing aural zero beating for so many
years (46 now) that I can usually get within a few tens of Hz even without
hearing the sidetone, and within 10 Hz when using the sidetone.

For those who haven't developed to knack, or who just like bells (err,
LEDs) 'n whistles, the CW Tuning Indicator is a nice adjunct.


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Re: Using the K2's 10th S-meter LED for CW Tuning indication

Tom Hammond-3
In reply to this post by Tom Hammond-3
Hi Tom:

>This sounds like a great addition to the K2.  Is its purpose to indicate a
>zero beat?

Actually, to indicate "CLOSE TO ZERO BEAT"...usually +/- 20 or so Hz.

>Your post sounds as if there are already some CW tuning indicators out
>there and that you have developed a way to incorporate them into the K2,
>using the LED as an indicator.

There are MANY indicators out there! Several years ago, Jerry, KR5L, posted
(on this reflector) his design using an NE567. I designed up a PC board and
a number of those boards were made available to builders. Jerry's design
works very well!!! In fact, I just this morning read yet another
testimonial from a satisfied builder (which made his own board, or possibly
just haywired the design).

The K6XX design uses a different IC (Exar XR-2211, which I consider to be a
somewhat superior PLL, both with regard to input sensitivity and speed of
response. Other than that, I think either design should work well fir builders.

I claim NO OWNERSHIP of ANY OF THESE DESIGNS. Nor do I claim ownership of
the use of the 10th LED in the K2 display. I'm just trying to provide a bit
more comprehensive documentation for them.

>If this is the case can you be so kind as to point me in the direction of
>a site which can give the details to build the tuning indicator.  Also, if
>you could send me your PDF file on installing an indicator into the K2, I
>would very much appreciate that also.

You can find the docs for both the KR5L and the K6XX LED CW Tuning
Indicators on my web site:

under "Other Stuff" (almost to the bottom of the page).

Hope this helps.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: Using the K2's 10th S-meter LED for CW Tuning indication

Tom Hammond-3
In reply to this post by Tom Hammond-3
Hi Folks:

WOW! The response has been a bit overwhelming to my offer to send copies of
my draft set of docs for installing the KR5L or K6XX CW Tuning Indicators
into the K2, using the 10th LED of the S-Meter Bar Graph.

Rather than sending out individual copies of the PDF, I have now placed a
PDF of the draft documentation file on my web site at:

Just follow the Quik-Link down to the link for the article and download it.

And, to those who have asked, yes, I do (or WILL) have boards available for
this project. At present, the boards are "kitchen-made", in small batches,
and hand-drilled. Takes a little while to knock them out (mainly due to the
drilling) but they are pretty decent quality (feel free ask here on the
reflector for recommendations), and I can usually send them out within 48
hours of receiving your request. In the future, if order volume warrants, I
may have to get FAR Circuits to make a bunch up for me, but the cost will
probably increase just a bit. Currently, a board (either the KR5L or K6XX
design) are being offered at $5 each ppd to your [stateside] mailbox.

 From anecdotal responses from builders, I tend to prefer the K6XX design a
bit more since it appears to be more sensitive with regard to hearing
weaker signals and more responsive with regard to 'following' the sent CW.

I suggest you visit the web site of Sverre Holm, LA3ZA, and check out his
implementation information as well:

   I have used the right-most LED for some years and I like
   it very
much, see my K2 page:

   The schematic here for my latest version which runs of a
   fixed audio

   And here for an earlier version with the design philosophy

   This circuit was
published in G-QRP Sprat, Summer 2002 and
   in a German translation in
QRP-Report, 3-2002.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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Zero beating

Don Brown-4
In reply to this post by Tom Hammond-3

I had a friend over a few weeks ago that is a captain for AA and flies 767's. I was working on his K2 and doing the final tune up when he asked me how to zero beat the sidetone. When I tuned up WWV and hit the sidetone button I told him to listen for the wow-wow sound of the beat. Suddenly he got it and said it is the same as balancing the speed of two aircraft engines when flying, something he had been doing for years. I think we have all heard the drone of two engines on an aircraft or boat but I had never thought of explaining a zero beat that way but that is exactly what it is.

Don Brown

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Tom Hammond<mailto:[hidden email]>
  To: Joe - aa4nn<mailto:[hidden email]> ; [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
  Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 10:17 AM
  Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Using the K2's 10th S-meter LED for CW Tuningindication

  I've never really needed it! I've been doing aural zero beating for so many
  years (46 now) that I can usually get within a few tens of Hz even without
  hearing the sidetone, and within 10 Hz when using the sidetone.

  For those who haven't developed to knack, or who just like bells (err,
  LEDs) 'n whistles, the CW Tuning Indicator is a nice adjunct.


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