What cable with RASCAL PSK interface

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What cable with RASCAL PSK interface

If you are using the K2 with the RASCAL interface for PSK, which
cable did you order with the RASCAL. Thanks.
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RE: What cable with RASCAL PSK interface


I use a RASCAL with my K2.  I originally bought it to use with a now
dead Kenwood TS930 with an 8-pin mike connector, which is the same as
the K2.

When I built my K2, I set-up the jumpers on the front panel board to use
with my Kenwood mikes.  The RASCAL works great in this configuration.
This interface uses only the Audio, PTT and Ground Lines on the mike

The cable you will need depends on how you configure the K2 mike
connector.   Any RASCAL model that has the 8-pin round mike connector
and 3.5 mm speaker plug should have all you need.  You will have to
match the connections on the cable to your K2 mike configuration.    

If you have any additional questions, post a message here with how you
have, or intend to configure the mike input on your K2, and I or
somebody else should be able to help.

73, Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of designer
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 1:11 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] what cable with RASCAL PSK interface

If you are using the K2 with the RASCAL interface for PSK, which
cable did you order with the RASCAL. Thanks.
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RE: What cable with RASCAL PSK interface

In reply to this post by k7nhb

I bought the K2 used and it came with an Heil hand mike.

While reviewing the BUXCOMM site for other options, I saw they had a
cable for SCG  and Ten Tec gear but not Elecraft. I now understand
that's probably because there are various ways to configure the mic
connector and Elecraft has yet to come out with a revised back panel
that supports digital modes in a more friendly fashion (line a Din 5
plug with line level IN/OUT and PTT).

I saw I could buy a switch box and use my one RASCAL I use with a Ten
Tec rig, and just purchase the required cable to the switch box for
each rig I want to use.

Thank you and 73,

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