Which audio filter???

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Which audio filter???

Fred Bennett  N9TA
 Hi Gang

I "was" the proud owner of K2 #242......but I sold it a couple
of years ago. Now I am contemplating jumping back in and
building another K2 with all the options.....but I have a
question for the group: Which audio filter to get....if any???
My old K2 had the SSB, NB, low pwr tuner, amp, and 160M
options but no audio filter. And now there are 2 to choose from!!!
I've had many radios with DSP and I generally end up not
using it.....but I fully expect Elecraft DSP to be superior to
that found on the Yeacomwood rigs.

Do I want an audio filter???  And if so.....which audio filter???

                    73......de......Fred  N9TA
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Re: Which audio filter???

David A. Belsley
   If you get an audio filter, get the DSP.  It is really very good and
offers a great deal more performance and flexibility than the KAF2.  I
find that the DSP is not needed for the most part, but when it is
needed, it is really a big help.

  On a related matter to the powers that be: it would really be nice if
there were an option to link the bandwidths of the DSP and IF filters.  
When I pick a narrower IF filter, it is generally better to pair it
with a narrower DSP filter, and having to adjust both is a bit of a
bother (although not a major one).

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy

On Sep 9, 2004, at 5:51 PM, Fred Bennett N9TA wrote:

>  Hi Gang
> I "was" the proud owner of K2 #242......but I sold it a couple
> of years ago. Now I am contemplating jumping back in and
> building another K2 with all the options.....but I have a
> question for the group: Which audio filter to get....if any???
> My old K2 had the SSB, NB, low pwr tuner, amp, and 160M
> options but no audio filter. And now there are 2 to choose from!!!
> I've had many radios with DSP and I generally end up not
> using it.....but I fully expect Elecraft DSP to be superior to
> that found on the Yeacomwood rigs.
> Do I want an audio filter???  And if so.....which audio filter???
>                     73......de......Fred  N9TA
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Re: Which audio filter???

In reply to this post by Fred Bennett N9TA
You will hear a lot of controversy over Elecraft DSP.
Some, like me, have no use for it.  Others like it and
make good use of it.  Don't expect Elecraft DSP to
be superior to any you have experienced, let alone
be easier to use.  

If you want an audio filter get the KAF2.  Use it a while.
Later on, I'll send you my DSP filter and you can try it
out to see what you haven't missed.  
73, Joe, aa4nn

Fred Wrote:--------------------------------------------------
I've had many radios with DSP and I generally end up not
using it.....but I fully expect Elecraft DSP to be superior to
that found on the Yeacomwood rigs.
Do I want an audio filter???  And if so.....which audio filter???

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Re: Which audio filter???

In reply to this post by Fred Bennett N9TA
i have the AFIL and have been very happy with it!  that coupled with  the
amazing noise blanker has really cleaned up my receive audio.
mike  ac6ja
k2 #028
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RE: Which audio filter???

In reply to this post by David A. Belsley
Hello Dave!

> ...On a related matter to the powers that be: it would really
> be nice if there were an option to link the bandwidths of the
> DSP and IF filters.  
> When I pick a narrower IF filter, it is generally better to
> pair it with a narrower DSP filter, and having to adjust both
> is a bit of a bother (although not a major one).

This was on my list for the last major firmware upgrade but -- you guessed
it -- there wasn't room for the code.

Turns out that the auxbus doesn't carry the information needed for the DSP
to make this choice when you tap XFIL, so it would need new code work,
primarily in the K2's main MCU code :-/

But it is still on the list wish list!


Lyle KK7P

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