n6kR and Field day..

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n6kR and Field day..

Dave KK7SS

Did you run the KX3 on Field day?
If so... impressions and how kitted out??

Dave G  KK7SS
 Richland, WA

'59 Morris Minor 1000 - working on it..
'65 Sprite - in process :(
'76 Midget - co-owned with #4 Son :)
'06 Honda Civic Hybrid
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Fwd: n6kR and Field day..

Dave KK7SS
Somehow a wholeline got dropped!!

It should ghave started with:-
"If you do Field day this year, please let us know if you"
and then the rest of the story!
> Did you run the KX3 on Field day?
> If so... impressions and how kitted out??

Dave G  KK7SS
 Richland, WA

'59 Morris Minor 1000 - working on it..
'65 Sprite - in process :(
'76 Midget - co-owned with #4 Son :)
'06 Honda Civic Hybrid
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Re: n6kR and Field day..

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by Dave KK7SS
Dave KK7SS <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Wayne,
> Did you run the KX3 on Field day?

Yes. Several of the K6SRA club members and I gave it a good workout. The food, brew, and company were all excellent, too. My son (age 7) had a blast.

> If so... impressions....

Don't turn your back, or the rig will disappear :)  Everyone was very enthusiastic about the small size and ergonomics.

It performed very well, too. This was a 100-watt FD effort, but we ended up substituting the KX3 (at 5-10 W) for one of the "brand X" 100-W radios for most of the weekend. We made contacts on both CW and SSB, with excellent signal quality reports. One op had it running JT65 on 20 m, and I made a contact using it hand-held with a 4-foot whip.

Personally, I'm finding that the KX3 really is the "dream" all-band/all-mode portable we've been envisioning for the past 15 years. The technology finally caught up with our impossible design spec.


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Re: n6kR and Field day..

Ross Primrose N4RP
On 6/29/2011 11:14 AM, Wayne Burdick wrote:
> It performed very well, too. This was a 100-watt FD effort, but we ended up substituting the KX3 (at 5-10 W) for one of the "brand X" 100-W radios for most of the weekend.

Does that mean that the 100W amp isn't even at prototype stage yet?

> Personally, I'm finding that the KX3 really is the "dream" all-band/all-mode portable we've been envisioning for the past 15 years. The technology finally caught up with our impossible design spec.

And there was much rejoicing!

73, Ross N4RP

FCC Section 97.313(a) “At all times, an amateur station must use the minimum transmitter power necessary to carry out the desired communications.”

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Re: n6kR and Field day..

In reply to this post by Dave KK7SS
YES, and the heavens opened and a great light shown down on the K6SRA FD ops and the KX3.

I'm hoping to unload enuf extra stuff at a hamfest in CO SPRINGS in a couple of weeks to start my KX3 slushfund!
