(no subject)

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(no subject)

Paul Gates
I need some recommendations on a soldering station and also approx cost if you know it. Thanks
Paul Gates
[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
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RE: (no subject)

Roger Stein-2
Try this link for a lot of info!


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Paul Gates
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:38 AM
To: elecraft
Subject: [Elecraft] (no subject)

I need some recommendations on a soldering station and also approx cost if
you know it. Thanks
Paul Gates
[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
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Re: (no subject)

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Paul Gates

I have been happy with my Soloman 4449 Soldering station for 5 years now and
it has built a large number of Elecraft kits - and still going strong.
There are many others, but this is a good mid-priced soldering station.
M P Jones has it for $54.95.  See it at
No association with them other than a satisfied customer.


----- Original Message -----

I need some recommendations on a soldering station and also approx cost if
you know it. Thanks
Paul Gates
[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>

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RE: Soldering stations, sources, and costs (was: no subject)

Craig Rairdin
In reply to this post by Paul Gates
> I need some recommendations on a soldering
> station and also approx cost if you know it.

I'm having good luck with the Hakko 936 I bought from www.wassco.com for

Read the recommendations scattered throughout the Elecraft site (Builder
Resources has several articles) and you'll find all you need for tools at

I tried using Digi-Key (www.digikey.com) but what a horrible Web site!!
They've scanned their print catalog into PDFs and you have to copy the part
number from the catalog into an order form. This is like "e-commerce circa
1995". The only thing lamer would be if they just gave you the PDFs for the
catalog and had you print out an order form and mail it in.

Mouser (www.mouser.com) was slightly better but still has a print catalog
orientation. You can't get to pictures of anything until you follow several
layers of links, and then it's PDFs of their catalog pages with tiny line
drawings. At least you don't have to copy the part numbers to the order

Wassco is organized by product category and manufacturer and has nice color
pictures of everything they sell. They have a print catalog you can view
online, but it's not necessary to look at it in order to place an order. I
didn't bother to figure out if their prices were more expensive than the
other sources because it was so hard to figure anything out on those other

As a person who has put together several Web sites including rolling my own
e-commerce site, the process of buying tools for my K1 project was an
interesting study in Web design and marketing. It's interesting that an
industry that might be considered "high tech" (i.e. electronic parts and
supplies) seems to lag "non-tech" industries (to pick one entirely at
random: check out the simplicity of ordering knitting supplies at


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RE: (no subject)

Bob Boehmer
In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-3
Don -

The Soloman 4449 is listed as having an "isolated tip".

Am I correct in thinking that this would not be an "ESD safe" iron?

Bob Boehmer, WB3FXC
KX1, K2

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of W3FPR
> - Don Wilhelm
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:19 PM
> To: Paul Gates; elecraft
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] (no subject)
> Paul,
> I have been happy with my Soloman 4449 Soldering station for
> 5 years now and
> it has built a large number of Elecraft kits - and still
> going strong.
> There are many others, but this is a good mid-priced
> soldering station.
> M P Jones has it for $54.95.  See it at
> http://www.mpja.com/productview.asp?product=4449+TL.
> No association with them other than a satisfied customer.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR

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Re: (no subject)

Don Wilhelm-3

I am not certain what they mean by "isolated tip" unless they are inferring
some kind of 'people protection' from electrical shocks - the tip on mine
certainly is connected to the ground pin on th eelecrtical cord.


----- Original Message -----
> The Soloman 4449 is listed as having an "isolated tip".
> Am I correct in thinking that this would not be an "ESD safe" iron?

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Re: (no subject)

Michael Bowles
Hi, all,
    I believe "Isolated Tip" refers to the tip being isolated from the
power to the heating element, not isolated from ground. If memory serves,
this was to distinguish this type from the gun type where the tip was a
part of the heating element circuit and had voltage applied to it by a
transformer. I think all, or virtually all pencil type irons these days are
"isolated tip".
   Mike Bowles, WH6AH

At 04:23 PM 1/27/2005 -0500, W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:
>I am not certain what they mean by "isolated tip" unless they are inferring
>some kind of 'people protection' from electrical shocks - the tip on mine
>certainly is connected to the ground pin on th eelecrtical cord.

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Re: (no subject)

Stuart Rohre
The tip is not grounded in an isolated tip iron.  Allows one to control the
static grounding to include the operator, etc.


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Re: (no subject)

In reply to this post by Paul Gates
In a message dated 27/01/05 18:43:15 GMT Standard Time,  
[hidden email] writes:

The  Soloman 4449 is listed as having an "isolated tip".

Am I correct in  thinking that this would not be an "ESD safe" iron?

Believe the isolated tip is done for another reason which was the ability  to
work on live circuits. Even the venerable Weller TCP soldering iron system  
had a version that used the 2 wire power supply the PS2D. On this the  
soldering iron tip was not connected directly to ground, but instead to a a  potential
balance terminal on the PSU that allowed it to be connected to the  workbench
static ground for working on static sensitive components or working on  live
Bob, G3VVT
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Re: Isolated tip

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Bob Boehmer
OK folks, I will try an entire re-write to get the info out.  Prior attemps
were rejected because of some offenive word(s) in the body.

I discovered that I had modified my Soloman station 5 years ago.  I added
one 1 meg resistor from a wire that does connect to the tip shell to the
grounding post on the back and another 1 meg resistor from the grounding
post to the line cord ground wire, so my soldering station does have an ESD
discharging path to ground.  Easy to do, and I will supply details if anyone


----- Original Message -----
> The Soloman 4449 is listed as having an "isolated tip".
> Am I correct in thinking that this would not be an "ESD safe" iron?

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