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KX3 jacks and connections

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KX3 jacks and connections

The preliminary literature shows the jacks on the left side panel, but I
have not seen information as to what can be expected on the back (other than
the statement from Wayne that the KX3 a "Key Out" or "PTT out" jack to feed
to the KPA-500's "PA Key" jack).


Is there additional information as to the other connections being supported?


I hope to be able to use a small netbook to run various digital modes.  With
my K3 I use a SignaLink to a laptop.  Any information as to what I might
need with the KX3?  I would like to fit it all in a backpack (with room for
other hiking or travel gear) so the less the better!


When my KX3 arrives in "late Feb" I hope to have everything else ready and


Thanks for any info/suggestions.




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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Mike Schwendeman

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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Mike Schwendeman
In reply to this post by WS5K

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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Mike Schwendeman
In reply to this post by WS5K
(This is my THIRD try; -First one was sent out with text, but the
reflector had dropped all out, for some reason.  -Most likely, due to an
error on my part.  Second try failed the same way, so this third try is
a copy-and-paste from a text editor.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The KX3's mic connector design-choice is a puzzle to me.  This short
copied part, quoted from an original posting below, describes the
issue's possible resolution:

"There are very small, pivoting mics available from places like Fry's
that have a 3-circuit plug. These are compatible with the KX3's mic
jack, too, and in fact allow you to use the KX3 like an HT (in a pinch)."

-This does not make sense to me.  Earlier in the post, he had mentioned:

"However, the mic jack can also be used with mics having a 3-circuit
(stereo) plug. These will not provide PTT or UP/DN controls, but can
still be used with VOX or the XMIT switch (equivalent to PTT)."

So, which is is??  First, he said that the 3-circuit plug will not offer
PTT.  Then, he offered that the 3-circuit devices from FRY'S, as an
example, would allow one to use the KX3 as a handheld radio.

To me, the actual DESIGN of the mic circuit in this way is extremely
unfortunate!!  (Why not disallow the up-down function for those who
might only have a 3-circuit plug in the junk box, not the extremely
common PTT function???!!!)  This is not a good design decision, I
honestly feel.  It is pointlessly unique.  (!!)

In view of the fact that a 4-circuit has the (assumed) ground, mic
audio/bias, PTT and up-down functions, could it not have been possible
to "allow" a person to use a 3-circuit plug, and enjoy the normal
(expected) functions of mic-with-PTT, and "ignore" the up-down functions?

Continuing with the assumption that the PTT function is not available if
one uses a 3-circuit plug, one can indeed use the serial port, VOX or
the radio's front panel TRANSMIT button to achieve the PTT function.  At
the simplest level that involves the serial port, this will involve a
connection to the serial port on the radio, plus a cable that will have
to be accommodated in orchestration with the mic in some way.   To me,
this is not as ideal as it could be.   So, if the radio is used as a
portable radio as an example, the operator would have to handle the mic,
the PTT and the radio in some way.  (This might be a little clumsy...)  
But, to be completely fair, the radio can be popped into a back-pack,
which would have the added space to allow for a small battery, as
opposed to running the radio on it's built-in batteries.  But...  There
would possibly (LOGICALLY, actually!) still have to be two cables,
running to two items, (hand mic and PTT switch pill-box) to allow a
common means of operating the radio on SSB.

Buying the Elecraft supplied mic might be by far the best thing to do.

Like they say, "All it takes is money."

But there are more than a few that would like to scrounge the scrap
boxes, and wire up an old hand mic, desk mic, whatever is found to be

As the scrounger continues to look, they might likely find that they
have some of the very common 3-circuit plugs.  The 4-circuit plugs are
indeed available, but this will mean that the builder will, at the very
least, have to go out of his way to get the needed 4-circuit plug.  (-A
road trip or mail order, at the very least.)

The reason for my criticizing the design of the PTT/mic connection is
that of the possible designs, why was the very commonly "demanded"
function of a hand mic "denied" by offering PRIORITY to the coveted
up-down button functions??

In other words, could it not have been decided to include the ground,
the tip for audio/bias, and the PTT functions as the basic
connections..?  To me, I'd have to say YES to this possibility.  It
seems, at this very early date, that this is not the case, as the
"information source" had mentioned this.  Maybe this guy is has erred
with his assumption.  We will just have to wait.


-------- Original Message --------
[Elecraft] KX3 mic jack *will* work with other mics/headsets having a
regular stereo plug
Thu, 29 Dec 2011 08:22:53 -0800
Wayne Burdick <[hidden email]>

In response to a few questions on this topic:

The KX3 has a 4-circuit 3.5-mm jack, allowing for UP/DN and PTT
controls as well a mic audio shield ground. The MH3 has a matching plug.

However, the mic jack can also be used with mics having a 3-circuit
(stereo) plug. These will not provide PTT or UP/DN controls,
but can  still be used with VOX or the XMIT switch (equivalent to PTT).
Two  menu entries are provided for mic configuration: one to turn bias on/
off and another to turn the UP/DN buttons on/off.

Heil headsets with two stereo plugs (one for stereo receive audio, the
other for the mic) can be used. Generic computer headsets with these
two plugs will also work.

There are very small, pivoting mics available from places like Fry's
that have a 3-circuit plug. These are compatible with the KX3's mic
jack, too, and in fact allow you to use the KX3 like an HT (in a pinch).

We'll expand our list of compatible mics over time.

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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Don Wilhelm-4

I believe you either misunderstood, or you do not have a good mental
image of the small microphone Wayne was talking about.

I don't see any inconsistency.  The small microphone mentioned is a
right angled mic that is quite small and fits directly on the KX3 (no
cord) and it has a 3 circuit plug.  See
http://www.frys.com/product/5940534?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG for one
example.  It would allow the KX3 to be handheld and the XMIT button on
the KX3 can be used instead of PTT.

As a matter of fact Wayne has said that the placement of the internal
speaker was also so the KX3 could be used like a handheld

It seems to be a good design choice to me.
If you have a corded microphone with the 4 circuit plug, then you have
full use of Mic AF, PTT and the UP/DN buttons, but if it is a 3 circuit
plug, you will only have the Mic AF.


On 12/30/2011 3:01 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:

> The KX3's mic connector design-choice is a puzzle to me.  This short
> copied part, quoted from an original posting below, describes the
> issue's possible resolution:
> "There are very small, pivoting mics available from places like Fry's
> that have a 3-circuit plug. These are compatible with the KX3's mic
> jack, too, and in fact allow you to use the KX3 like an HT (in a pinch)."
> -This does not make sense to me.  Earlier in the post, he had mentioned:
> "However, the mic jack can also be used with mics having a 3-circuit
> (stereo) plug. These will not provide PTT or UP/DN controls, but can
> still be used with VOX or the XMIT switch (equivalent to PTT)."
> So, which is is??  First, he said that the 3-circuit plug will not offer
> PTT.  Then, he offered that the 3-circuit devices from FRY'S, as an
> example, would allow one to use the KX3 as a handheld radio.
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by Mike Schwendeman
Mike Schwendeman wrote:

> First, he said that the 3-circuit plug will not offer
> PTT.  Then, he offered that the 3-circuit devices from FRY'S, as an
> example, would allow one to use the KX3 as a handheld radio.

The XMIT switch would be used with any 3-circuit mic, such as the one  
from Fry's. This switch is about 1" from the mic jack and convenient  
to use.

> In view of the fact that a 4-circuit has the (assumed) ground, mic
> audio/bias, PTT and up-down functions, could it not have been possible
> to "allow" a person to use a 3-circuit plug, and enjoy the normal
> (expected) functions of mic-with-PTT, and "ignore" the up-down  
> functions?

It would certainly be possible to create a small adapter that brings  
PTT out separately, or rewire a mic with a 3-circuit plug to work with  
the KX3's PTT line. We could also allow reuse of a different I/O pin  
for PTT with a menu entry.

UP/DN function conflicts (voltage levels) could be resolved by setting  

This will evolve further as needed based on customer feedback, such as  


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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Mike Schwendeman
In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-4
I may stand corrected, if your assumption is correct.  (I have NO
problem in admitting an error.)  But, it does NOT seem that a 3-circuit
plug will be permitted access to the PTT function.  -Again, I really do
not know.  All I have to go by is the previously-copied entry from a
person who appears to be knowledgeable of this radio.

Yes, if one plugs in a 3-circuit mic, the audio will indeed be passed to
the radio.  -It is the (lack of) PTT function that is seemingly
"missing" to me, if the 3-circuit plug is employed.

The bottom line comes down to an "assumed convenience," without having
to drive 20 minutes one-way (in my case) to the nearest Radio Shack
store to buy, then assemble a 4-circuit plug.  (Which would hopefully be
done CORRECTLY, avoiding a possible boo-boo.)

73!     -Mike-     KØJTA

On 12/30/11 2:53 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Mike,
> I believe you either misunderstood, or you do not have a good mental
> image of the small microphone Wayne was talking about.
> I don't see any inconsistency.  The small microphone mentioned is a
> right angled mic that is quite small and fits directly on the KX3 (no
> cord) and it has a 3 circuit plug.  See
> http://www.frys.com/product/5940534?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG for
> one example.  It would allow the KX3 to be handheld and the XMIT
> button on the KX3 can be used instead of PTT.
> As a matter of fact Wayne has said that the placement of the internal
> speaker was also so the KX3 could be used like a handheld
> It seems to be a good design choice to me.
> If you have a corded microphone with the 4 circuit plug, then you have
> full use of Mic AF, PTT and the UP/DN buttons, but if it is a 3
> circuit plug, you will only have the Mic AF.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 12/30/2011 3:01 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:
>> The KX3's mic connector design-choice is a puzzle to me...
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Mike Schwendeman
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
Thank you for your reply!  I will add my comments below...

On 12/30/11 3:02 PM, Wayne Burdick wrote:
> Mike Schwendeman wrote:
>> First, he said that the 3-circuit plug will not offer
>> PTT.  Then, he offered that the 3-circuit devices from FRY'S, as an
>> example, would allow one to use the KX3 as a handheld radio.
> The XMIT switch would be used with any 3-circuit mic, such as the one
> from Fry's. This switch is about 1" from the mic jack and convenient
> to use.

Yes, I do understand.  All is well, and functional, no doubt.  (I am
still considering the CONVENIENCE of holding the hand mic, and having to
tap (or HOLD) the XMIT switch.  To me, this is a small inconvenience, as
compared to simply holding the hand mic and pressing the PTT on the mic .)

>> In view of the fact that a 4-circuit has the (assumed) ground, mic
>> audio/bias, PTT and up-down functions, could it not have been possible
>> to "allow" a person to use a 3-circuit plug, and enjoy the normal
>> (expected) functions of mic-with-PTT, and "ignore" the up-down
>> functions?
> It would certainly be possible to create a small adapter that brings
> PTT out separately, or rewire a mic with a 3-circuit plug to work with
> the KX3's PTT line. We could also allow reuse of a different I/O pin
> for PTT with a menu entry.
> UP/DN function conflicts (voltage levels) could be resolved by setting
> This will evolve further as needed based on customer feedback, such as
> yours.

I really do appreciate your willingness to consider new developments or
modification!  (Again, to ME, the connector's up-down feature is really
nifty, but it has an obviously LOWER need, therefore PRIORITY, when one
considers the PTT function. -Too late for a board mod, at this point, I
am sure...)

> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Phillip Nichols
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
OK, how about an adaptter similar to What Yaesu offered for the VX
series HTs. It plugs into their 4-circuit mic jack and presented a new
jack with a 3-circuit. this was useful for cloning, digital work, or for
programming. I have 2 of them for my VX. The other cable splits the
4-circuit into two separate jacks for Mic and Speaker. which can be used
with 2-pin mics. My old FT-50 had this type.


Wayne Burdick said the following on 12/30/2011 4:02 PM:

> It would certainly be possible to create a small adapter that brings  
> PTT out separately, or rewire a mic with a 3-circuit plug to work with  
> the KX3's PTT line. We could also allow reuse of a different I/O pin  
> for PTT with a menu entry.
> UP/DN function conflicts (voltage levels) could be resolved by setting  
> This will evolve further as needed based on customer feedback, such as  
> yours.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Don Wilhelm-4
In reply to this post by Mike Schwendeman

It appears that the lack of PTT with a 3 circuit microphone is a lack in
the microphone (I don't know of any mic with a 3 circuit plug that has a
PTT button - these are built for use as computer mics).
Wayne has said that one could wire a PTT switch onto a 3 circuit jack -
which tells me that the PTT circuit is on the ring connector of the
jack.  Wayne will correct me if that is wrong.
Bottom line as I see it - if you have a microphone and a PTT switch, and
you wire it to a 3 circuit plug, you will have AF and PTT - but you
would have to wire your own, current computer microphones do not have a
PTT switch.


On 12/30/2011 4:08 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:

> I may stand corrected, if your assumption is correct.  (I have NO
> problem in admitting an error.)  But, it does NOT seem that a
> 3-circuit plug will be permitted access to the PTT function.  -Again,
> I really do not know.  All I have to go by is the previously-copied
> entry from a person who appears to be knowledgeable of this radio.
> Yes, if one plugs in a 3-circuit mic, the audio will indeed be passed
> to the radio.  -It is the (lack of) PTT function that is seemingly
> "missing" to me, if the 3-circuit plug is employed.
> The bottom line comes down to an "assumed convenience," without having
> to drive 20 minutes one-way (in my case) to the nearest Radio Shack
> store to buy, then assemble a 4-circuit plug.  (Which would hopefully
> be done CORRECTLY, avoiding a possible boo-boo.)
> 73!     -Mike-     KØJTA
> On 12/30/11 2:53 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
>> Mike,
>> I believe you either misunderstood, or you do not have a good mental
>> image of the small microphone Wayne was talking about.
>> I don't see any inconsistency.  The small microphone mentioned is a
>> right angled mic that is quite small and fits directly on the KX3 (no
>> cord) and it has a 3 circuit plug.  See
>> http://www.frys.com/product/5940534?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG for
>> one example.  It would allow the KX3 to be handheld and the XMIT
>> button on the KX3 can be used instead of PTT.
>> As a matter of fact Wayne has said that the placement of the internal
>> speaker was also so the KX3 could be used like a handheld
>> It seems to be a good design choice to me.
>> If you have a corded microphone with the 4 circuit plug, then you
>> have full use of Mic AF, PTT and the UP/DN buttons, but if it is a 3
>> circuit plug, you will only have the Mic AF.
>> 73,
>> Don W3FPR
>> On 12/30/2011 3:01 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:
>>> The KX3's mic connector design-choice is a puzzle to me...
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by Mike Schwendeman
Mike Schwendeman wrote:

> I really do appreciate your willingness to consider new developments  
> or modification!  (Again, to ME, the connector's up-down feature is  
> really nifty, but it has an obviously LOWER need, therefore  
> PRIORITY, when one considers the PTT function. -Too late for a board  
> mod, at this point, I am sure...)

I don't think a board mod is necessary. The PTT function comes out to  
one of the 4 pins, and the UP/DN functions -- on the same pin -- can  
be disabled in the menu.


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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Mike Schwendeman
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
I must add one small point that I had NOT explained or addressed well,
at all!

- Yes, the mini-mic, or the small mic that is from Fry's will indeed work.

This plan will mean that one would have to pick up, and hold the radio,
I am assuming.  This, or the mic gain will have to be set rather high to
enable the proper audio will be made available to the transmitter.  
(This higher gain setting might allow more "room noise," of course.)

If the desired use of the radio's "mini mic" is to be close-talked, to
MINIMIZE the possibility of "room noise," one would have to get closer
to the radio, possibly by leaning in, or by picking the KX3 up, and
operating it like a HT, as was previously suggested.  Yeah, still not
the best, I am thinking: There is the possibility of bumping a control
unintentionally, or having to "endure" the hardship of holding the radio
in one's hand(s) to achieve the HT-like environment.  (Nah; Hand mic
with PTT or VOX operation seems more attractive.)

73;    -Mike-    KØJTA

On 12/30/11 3:02 PM, Wayne Burdick wrote:

> Mike Schwendeman wrote:
>> First, he said that the 3-circuit plug will not offer
>> PTT.  Then, he offered that the 3-circuit devices from FRY'S, as an
>> example, would allow one to use the KX3 as a handheld radio.
> The XMIT switch would be used with any 3-circuit mic, such as the one
> from Fry's. This switch is about 1" from the mic jack and convenient
> to use.
>> In view of the fact that a 4-circuit has the (assumed) ground, mic
>> audio/bias, PTT and up-down functions, could it not have been possible
>> to "allow" a person to use a 3-circuit plug, and enjoy the normal
>> (expected) functions of mic-with-PTT, and "ignore" the up-down
>> functions?
> It would certainly be possible to create a small adapter that brings
> PTT out separately, or rewire a mic with a 3-circuit plug to work with
> the KX3's PTT line. We could also allow reuse of a different I/O pin
> for PTT with a menu entry.
> UP/DN function conflicts (voltage levels) could be resolved by setting
> This will evolve further as needed based on customer feedback, such as
> yours.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Jim Brown-10
In reply to this post by Phillip Nichols
On 12/30/2011 1:22 PM, Phillip Nichols wrote:
> OK, how about an adaptter similar to What Yaesu offered for the VX
> series HTs. It plugs into their 4-circuit mic jack and presented a new
> jack with a 3-circuit. this was useful for cloning, digital work, or for
> programming. I have 2 of them for my VX. The other cable splits the
> 4-circuit into two separate jacks for Mic and Speaker. which can be used
> with 2-pin mics.

If you own a soldering iron and can find the right jacks and plugs, it's
easy to do this yourself. The Ham Interfacing power point on my website
lists part numbers for very good 3-circuit jacks and plugs, and a good
place to buy them for about a buck. I buy a dozen or so each of several
parts at a time and stick them in the junk box or sell them to my
friends, which gives me a discount and splits the shipping cost over
many pieces.


It used to be standard practice for equipment manufacturers to provide a
matching plug for all connectors built into their equipment that might
be difficult to source.. I'd like to see Elecraft adopt this practice
for anything other than BNC and PL-259s.  The connectors and cables sold
by  hi-fi and computer vendors, and even by ham vendors, are nearly all
junk, but the connectors I've listed are decent quality.  It's FAR
cheaper for Elecraft to buy these connectors in 1,000 lots and stick
them in a parts bag than for us to buy them at the single piece price
and pay $10 for shipping.

73, Jim Brown K9YC
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Mike Schwendeman
In reply to this post by wayne burdick

I do understand that the PTT function is indeed available at the mic
connector on the KX3 radio.  You have mentioned "...PTT function comes
out to one of the 4 pins..."

But...  On which of the "four circuit" points on the 4-circuit
connector?  From way back to my original post and reference, the PTT
function is (apparently) not available to a 3-circuit PLUG.  -It is
allowed or is available to a 4-circuit plug, however; -Or, at least,
this is how I understood it to be.  Maybe I am simply not understanding
this small point.  (If this is indeed the case, please forgive my

73;   -Mike-   KØJTA

On 12/30/11 3:23 PM, Wayne Burdick wrote:

> Mike Schwendeman wrote:
>> I really do appreciate your willingness to consider new developments
>> or modification!  (Again, to ME, the connector's up-down feature is
>> really nifty, but it has an obviously LOWER need, therefore PRIORITY,
>> when one considers the PTT function. -Too late for a board mod, at
>> this point, I am sure...)
> I don't think a board mod is necessary. The PTT function comes out to
> one of the 4 pins, and the UP/DN functions -- on the same pin -- can
> be disabled in the menu.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
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KX3 mic wiring info

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by wayne burdick

Here's how the mic is wired:

   Sleeve = shield ground
   ring2 = logic ground
   ring1 = PTT/UP/DN
   tip = mic audio

Since a 3-circuit plug merges sleeve and ring2, a mic with such a plug  
could be wired to work with the KX3 and provide PTT, though I don't  
have one with which to test this idea.

On the ring1 line, resistance to ground determines the function:

   PTT:  0 ohms
   DN:   4.7 k
   UP:   10 k

We may invoke another function with the combination of UP+DN (3.2 k).  
We could call this a "meta" operation that changes what UP/DN do. For  
example, their function could switch to band, RIT, or volume up/down.

Let me know if your target mic will work with the above wiring as-is,  
or if a simple mod is required, and we'll add it to our KX3 FAQ.


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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by Mike Schwendeman

The KX3 should only be used as an HT when that's the only option. As  
HTs go, it's pretty large. That said, I believe the KX3 works pretty  
well for short HT-style QSOs. The speaker is right next to your ear,  
and you can use VOX if tapping XMIT doesn't suit you.


On Dec 30, 2011, at 1:35 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:

> I must add one small point that I had NOT explained or addressed  
> well, at all!
> - Yes, the mini-mic, or the small mic that is from Fry's will indeed  
> work.
> This plan will mean that one would have to pick up, and hold the  
> radio, I am assuming.  This, or the mic gain will have to be set  
> rather high to enable the proper audio will be made available to the  
> transmitter.  (This higher gain setting might allow more "room  
> noise," of course.)
> If the desired use of the radio's "mini mic" is to be close-talked,  
> to MINIMIZE the possibility of "room noise," one would have to get  
> closer to the radio, possibly by leaning in, or by picking the KX3  
> up, and operating it like a HT, as was previously suggested.  Yeah,  
> still not the best, I am thinking: There is the possibility of  
> bumping a control unintentionally, or having to "endure" the  
> hardship of holding the radio in one's hand(s) to achieve the HT-
> like environment.  (Nah; Hand mic with PTT or VOX operation seems  
> more attractive.)
> 73;    -Mike-    KØJTA
> On 12/30/11 3:02 PM, Wayne Burdick wrote:
>> Mike Schwendeman wrote:
>>> First, he said that the 3-circuit plug will not offer
>>> PTT.  Then, he offered that the 3-circuit devices from FRY'S, as an
>>> example, would allow one to use the KX3 as a handheld radio.
>> The XMIT switch would be used with any 3-circuit mic, such as the  
>> one from Fry's. This switch is about 1" from the mic jack and  
>> convenient to use.
>>> In view of the fact that a 4-circuit has the (assumed) ground, mic
>>> audio/bias, PTT and up-down functions, could it not have been  
>>> possible
>>> to "allow" a person to use a 3-circuit plug, and enjoy the normal
>>> (expected) functions of mic-with-PTT, and "ignore" the up-down  
>>> functions?
>> It would certainly be possible to create a small adapter that  
>> brings PTT out separately, or rewire a mic with a 3-circuit plug to  
>> work with the KX3's PTT line. We could also allow reuse of a  
>> different I/O pin for PTT with a menu entry.
>> UP/DN function conflicts (voltage levels) could be resolved by  
>> setting MENU:MIC BTN to OFF.
>> This will evolve further as needed based on customer feedback, such  
>> as yours.
>> 73,
>> Wayne
>> N6KR

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Re: KX3 mic wiring info

Mike Schwendeman
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
To answer your later email to me (Time sent was 4:27 PM, my local time);
Yes, I just now am viewing the "diagram," Wayne.

Earlier in the "original post" (Thu, 29 Dec 2011 08:22:53 -0800), I
believe you had mentioned:

"However, the mic jack can also be used with mics having a 3-circuit
(stereo) plug. These will not provide PTT or UP/DN controls, but can
still be used with VOX or the XMIT switch (equivalent to PTT)."

-Which I had understood to be that the 3-circuit (stereo) plug "...will
not provide PTT..." function.  (-In other words, per the clip above, a
3-circuit plug would be DENIED functional access to the desired PTT
function.)  Well, this latest information does not seem to reflect this
same point!  -And this is very welcome news!  (Thank you!)

Bottom line:  Call off the dogs!  The 3-circuit plug appears to indeed
be permitted the coveted PTT function!  Ya-HOOO!

73, and I again thank you for your very patient clarification.  Now,
START MAKING THEM RADIOS!!!  It looks like you have an extremely fine


On 12/30/11 3:57 PM, Wayne Burdick wrote:

> Mike,
> Here's how the mic is wired:
>   Sleeve = shield ground
>   ring2 = logic ground
>   ring1 = PTT/UP/DN
>   tip = mic audio
> Since a 3-circuit plug merges sleeve and ring2, a mic with such a plug
> could be wired to work with the KX3 and provide PTT, though I don't
> have one with which to test this idea.
> On the ring1 line, resistance to ground determines the function:
>   PTT:  0 ohms
>   DN:   4.7 k
>   UP:   10 k
> We may invoke another function with the combination of UP+DN (3.2 k).
> We could call this a "meta" operation that changes what UP/DN do. For
> example, their function could switch to band, RIT, or volume up/down.
> Let me know if your target mic will work with the above wiring as-is,
> or if a simple mod is required, and we'll add it to our KX3 FAQ.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

Gary Gregory
In reply to this post by wayne burdick

Whilst paying attention to the Mic wiring discussion I wonder about using
the KX3 as a Mobile HF rig.

Am I correct in thinking the Elecraft Mic will function nicely, but, to
enable hands free use are you looking at whatwill be a suitable headset
including PTT will suit, as in my case VOX is not an option.

Ambient noise in the vehicle is one issue, my constant fidgeting is another
issue entirely...:-(

73 and HNY

On 31 December 2011 08:39, Wayne Burdick <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Mike,
> The KX3 should only be used as an HT when that's the only option. As
> HTs go, it's pretty large. That said, I believe the KX3 works pretty
> well for short HT-style QSOs. The speaker is right next to your ear,
> and you can use VOX if tapping XMIT doesn't suit you.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
> On Dec 30, 2011, at 1:35 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:
> > I must add one small point that I had NOT explained or addressed
> > well, at all!
> >
> > - Yes, the mini-mic, or the small mic that is from Fry's will indeed
> > work.
> >
> > This plan will mean that one would have to pick up, and hold the
> > radio, I am assuming.  This, or the mic gain will have to be set
> > rather high to enable the proper audio will be made available to the
> > transmitter.  (This higher gain setting might allow more "room
> > noise," of course.)
> >
> > If the desired use of the radio's "mini mic" is to be close-talked,
> > to MINIMIZE the possibility of "room noise," one would have to get
> > closer to the radio, possibly by leaning in, or by picking the KX3
> > up, and operating it like a HT, as was previously suggested.  Yeah,
> > still not the best, I am thinking: There is the possibility of
> > bumping a control unintentionally, or having to "endure" the
> > hardship of holding the radio in one's hand(s) to achieve the HT-
> > like environment.  (Nah; Hand mic with PTT or VOX operation seems
> > more attractive.)
> >
> > 73;    -Mike-    KØJTA
> >
> >
> > On 12/30/11 3:02 PM, Wayne Burdick wrote:
> >> Mike Schwendeman wrote:
> >>>
> >>
> >>> First, he said that the 3-circuit plug will not offer
> >>> PTT.  Then, he offered that the 3-circuit devices from FRY'S, as an
> >>> example, would allow one to use the KX3 as a handheld radio.
> >>
> >> The XMIT switch would be used with any 3-circuit mic, such as the
> >> one from Fry's. This switch is about 1" from the mic jack and
> >> convenient to use.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> In view of the fact that a 4-circuit has the (assumed) ground, mic
> >>> audio/bias, PTT and up-down functions, could it not have been
> >>> possible
> >>> to "allow" a person to use a 3-circuit plug, and enjoy the normal
> >>> (expected) functions of mic-with-PTT, and "ignore" the up-down
> >>> functions?
> >>
> >> It would certainly be possible to create a small adapter that
> >> brings PTT out separately, or rewire a mic with a 3-circuit plug to
> >> work with the KX3's PTT line. We could also allow reuse of a
> >> different I/O pin for PTT with a menu entry.
> >>
> >> UP/DN function conflicts (voltage levels) could be resolved by
> >> setting MENU:MIC BTN to OFF.
> >>
> >> This will evolve further as needed based on customer feedback, such
> >> as yours.
> >>
> >>>
> >> 73,
> >> Wayne
> >> N6KR
> >>
> >>
> ______________________________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
> Post: mailto:[hidden email]
> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html

VK4FD - Motorhome Mobile
Elecraft Equipment
K3 #679, KPA-500 #018
Living the dream!!!
Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Post: mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: KX3 jacks and connections

wayne burdick
I can't answer this question specifically (yet), but nearly any wired  
or bluetooth headset could be adapted to work with the KX3 given the  
right adapters.


On Dec 30, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Gary Gregory wrote:

> Wayne,
> Whilst paying attention to the Mic wiring discussion I wonder about  
> using the KX3 as a Mobile HF rig.
> Am I correct in thinking the Elecraft Mic will function nicely, but,  
> to enable hands free use are you looking at whatwill be a suitable  
> headset including PTT will suit, as in my case VOX is not an option.
> Ambient noise in the vehicle is one issue, my constant fidgeting is  
> another issue entirely...:-(
> 73 and HNY
> Gary
> On 31 December 2011 08:39, Wayne Burdick <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Mike,
> The KX3 should only be used as an HT when that's the only option. As
> HTs go, it's pretty large. That said, I believe the KX3 works pretty
> well for short HT-style QSOs. The speaker is right next to your ear,
> and you can use VOX if tapping XMIT doesn't suit you.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
> On Dec 30, 2011, at 1:35 PM, Mike Schwendeman wrote:
> > I must add one small point that I had NOT explained or addressed
> > well, at all!
> >
> > - Yes, the mini-mic, or the small mic that is from Fry's will indeed
> > work.
> >
> > This plan will mean that one would have to pick up, and hold the
> > radio, I am assuming.  This, or the mic gain will have to be set
> > rather high to enable the proper audio will be made available to the
> > transmitter.  (This higher gain setting might allow more "room
> > noise," of course.)
> >
> > If the desired use of the radio's "mini mic" is to be close-talked,
> > to MINIMIZE the possibility of "room noise," one would have to get
> > closer to the radio, possibly by leaning in, or by picking the KX3
> > up, and operating it like a HT, as was previously suggested.  Yeah,
> > still not the best, I am thinking: There is the possibility of
> > bumping a control unintentionally, or having to "endure" the
> > hardship of holding the radio in one's hand(s) to achieve the HT-
> > like environment.  (Nah; Hand mic with PTT or VOX operation seems
> > more attractive.)
> >
> > 73;    -Mike-    KØJTA
> >
> >
> > On 12/30/11 3:02 PM, Wayne Burdick wrote:
> >> Mike Schwendeman wrote:
> >>>
> >>
> >>> First, he said that the 3-circuit plug will not offer
> >>> PTT.  Then, he offered that the 3-circuit devices from FRY'S, as  
> an
> >>> example, would allow one to use the KX3 as a handheld radio.
> >>
> >> The XMIT switch would be used with any 3-circuit mic, such as the
> >> one from Fry's. This switch is about 1" from the mic jack and
> >> convenient to use.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> In view of the fact that a 4-circuit has the (assumed) ground, mic
> >>> audio/bias, PTT and up-down functions, could it not have been
> >>> possible
> >>> to "allow" a person to use a 3-circuit plug, and enjoy the normal
> >>> (expected) functions of mic-with-PTT, and "ignore" the up-down
> >>> functions?
> >>
> >> It would certainly be possible to create a small adapter that
> >> brings PTT out separately, or rewire a mic with a 3-circuit plug to
> >> work with the KX3's PTT line. We could also allow reuse of a
> >> different I/O pin for PTT with a menu entry.
> >>
> >> UP/DN function conflicts (voltage levels) could be resolved by
> >> setting MENU:MIC BTN to OFF.
> >>
> >> This will evolve further as needed based on customer feedback, such
> >> as yours.
> >>
> >>>
> >> 73,
> >> Wayne
> >> N6KR
> >>
> >>
> ______________________________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
> Post: mailto:[hidden email]
> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
> --
> Gary
> VK4FD - Motorhome Mobile
> Elecraft Equipment
> K3 #679, KPA-500 #018
> Living the dream!!!

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Re: KX3 mic wiring info

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by Mike Schwendeman
Mike Schwendeman wrote:

> Earlier in the "original post" (Thu, 29 Dec 2011 08:22:53 -0800), I  
> believe you had mentioned:
> "However, the mic jack can also be used with mics having a 3-circuit
> (stereo) plug. These will not provide PTT or UP/DN controls, but can
> still be used with VOX or the XMIT switch (equivalent to PTT)."

My bad....

> -Which I had understood to be that the 3-circuit (stereo) plug  
> "...will not provide PTT..." function.  (-In other words, per the  
> clip above, a 3-circuit plug would be DENIED functional access to  
> the desired PTT function.)  Well, this latest information does not  
> seem to reflect this same point!  -And this is very welcome news!  
> (Thank you!)
> Bottom line:  Call off the dogs!  The 3-circuit plug appears to  
> indeed be permitted the coveted PTT function!  Ya-HOOO!

At your service....


Elecraft mailing list
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